How to use the @ckeditor/ckeditor5-ui/src/bindings/submithandler function in @ckeditor/ckeditor5-ui

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @ckeditor/ckeditor5-ui examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github centaur54dev / ckeditor5-math-preview / src / ui / mathpreview_popupview.js View on Github external
render() {

		submitHandler( {
			view: this
		} );

		const childViews = [

		childViews.forEach( v => {
			this._focusables.add( v );			// Register the view as focusable.
			this.focusTracker.add( v.element );	// Register the view in the focus tracker.
		} );

		this.keystrokes.listenTo( this.element );// Start listening for the keystrokes coming from #element.
github Tangerine-Community / Tangerine / client / ckeditor / plugins / ckeditor5-acasi / src / formdialog / ui / formdialogformview.js View on Github external
attributes: {
            class: [

          children: [
    } );

    submitHandler( {
      view: this
    } );

    [ this.formIdInput, this.onchangeInput, this.saveButtonView, this.cancelButtonView ]
      .forEach( v => {
        // Register the view as focusable.
        this._focusables.add( v );

        // Register the view in the focus tracker.
        this.focusTracker.add( v.element );
      } );
github ckeditor / ckeditor5-image / src / imagetextalternative / ui / textalternativeformview.js View on Github external
render() {

		this.keystrokes.listenTo( this.element );

		submitHandler( { view: this } );

		[ this.labeledInput, this.saveButtonView, this.cancelButtonView ]
			.forEach( v => {
				// Register the view as focusable.
				this._focusables.add( v );

				// Register the view in the focus tracker.
				this.focusTracker.add( v.element );
			} );
github wwalc / ckeditor5-emoji / src / ui / emojilistview.js View on Github external
render() {

		submitHandler( {
			view: this
		} ); v => {
			// Register the view as focusable.
			this._focusables.add( v );

			// Register the view in the focus tracker.
			this.focusTracker.add( v.element );
		} );

		// Start listening for the keystrokes coming from #element.
		this.keystrokes.listenTo( this.element );
github ckeditor / ckeditor5-media-embed / src / ui / mediaformview.js View on Github external
render() {

		submitHandler( {
			view: this
		} );

		const childViews = [

		childViews.forEach( v => {
			// Register the view as focusable.
			this._focusables.add( v );

			// Register the view in the focus tracker.
			this.focusTracker.add( v.element );
		} );
github Tangerine-Community / Tangerine / client / ckeditor / plugins / ckeditor5-acasi / src / introsrcdialog / ui / introsrcdialogformview.js View on Github external
attributes: {
            class: [

          children: [
    } );

    submitHandler( {
      view: this
    } );

    [ this.labeledInput, this.nameInput, this.saveButtonView, this.cancelButtonView ]
      .forEach( v => {
        // Register the view as focusable.
        this._focusables.add( v );

        // Register the view in the focus tracker.
        this.focusTracker.add( v.element );
      } );