How to use the @ckeditor/ckeditor5-dev-docs.utils.getSamplesStream function in @ckeditor/ckeditor5-dev-docs

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buildEditorsForSamples( rootDir, bundleDir, testPath, samplesGlob ) {
		const { stream, tools } = require( '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-dev-utils' );
		const { utils: docsUtils } = require( '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-dev-docs' );

		bundleDir = path.join( rootDir, bundleDir );

		const ckeditor5DevBundler = require( '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-dev-bundler-rollup' )( {
			ROOT_DIR: rootDir,
				esnext: ''
			BUNDLE_DIR: bundleDir
		} );

		return docsUtils.getSamplesStream( rootDir, samplesGlob )
			.pipe( gulpFilter( ( file ) => path.extname( file.path ) === '.js' ) )
			.pipe( gulpRename( ( file ) => {
				file.dirname = file.dirname.replace( '/docs/samples', '' );
			} ) )
			.pipe( stream.noop( ( file ) => {
				const bundleConfig = docsUtils.getBundlerConfigFromSample( file.contents.toString( 'utf-8' ) );
				bundleConfig.format = 'iife';
				bundleConfig.path = file.path.match( /\/samples\/(.*)\.js$/ )[ 1 ];

				const splitPath = bundleConfig.path.split( path.sep );
				const packageName = splitPath[ 0 ];

				// Clean the output paths.
				return ckeditor5DevBundler.clean( bundleConfig )
				// Then bundle a editor.
					.then( () => ckeditor5DevBundler.generate( bundleConfig ) )


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