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export function formatBudgetResult(budgetResult: BudgetResult, itemName: string, useEmoji: boolean = false): string {
const { actual, expected, level, sizeKey, type } = budgetResult;
const actualFormatted = type === BudgetType.PERCENT_DELTA ? formatPercent(actual) : formatBytes(actual);
const expectedFormatted = type === BudgetType.PERCENT_DELTA ? formatPercent(expected) : formatBytes(expected);
const diffFormatted =
type === BudgetType.PERCENT_DELTA ? formatPercent(actual - expected) : formatBytes(actual - expected);
const prefix = `${(useEmoji ? levelToEmoji : levelToString)[level]}: \`${itemName}\``;
switch (type) {
case BudgetType.DELTA:
return `${prefix} failed the ${sizeKey} budget delta limit. Expected to increase no more than ${expectedFormatted}, but increased by ${actualFormatted}`;
case BudgetType.PERCENT_DELTA:
return `${prefix} failed the ${sizeKey} budget percent change limit. Expected no increase by no more than ${expectedFormatted}, but increased by ${actualFormatted}`;
case BudgetType.SIZE:
return `${prefix} failed the ${sizeKey} budget size limit of ${expectedFormatted} by ${diffFormatted}`;
export function formatBudgetResult(budgetResult: BudgetResult, itemName: string, useEmoji: boolean = false): string {
const { actual, expected, level, sizeKey, type } = budgetResult;
const actualFormatted = type === BudgetType.PERCENT_DELTA ? formatPercent(actual) : formatBytes(actual);
const expectedFormatted = type === BudgetType.PERCENT_DELTA ? formatPercent(expected) : formatBytes(expected);
const diffFormatted =
type === BudgetType.PERCENT_DELTA ? formatPercent(actual - expected) : formatBytes(actual - expected);
const prefix = `${(useEmoji ? levelToEmoji : levelToString)[level]}: \`${itemName}\``;
switch (type) {
case BudgetType.DELTA:
return `${prefix} failed the ${sizeKey} budget delta limit. Expected to increase no more than ${expectedFormatted}, but increased by ${actualFormatted}`;
case BudgetType.PERCENT_DELTA:
return `${prefix} failed the ${sizeKey} budget percent change limit. Expected no increase by no more than ${expectedFormatted}, but increased by ${actualFormatted}`;
case BudgetType.SIZE:
return `${prefix} failed the ${sizeKey} budget size limit of ${expectedFormatted} by ${diffFormatted}`;