How to use the @boost/common.isObject function in @boost/common

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @boost/common examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github milesj / boost / packages / plugin / src / Manager.ts View on Github external
let name: string;
    let plugin: Plugin;
    let priority: number | undefined;

    // Module name
    if (typeof setting === 'string') {
      name = setting;
      plugin = this.loader.load(setting, options);

      // Module name with options
    } else if (Array.isArray(setting)) {
      [name, , priority] = setting;
      plugin = this.loader.load(name, setting[1] || options);

      // Plugin directly
    } else if (isObject(setting)) {
      if ( {
        name =;
        plugin = setting;
        priority = setting.priority;
      } else {
        throw new Error('Plugin object or class instance found without a `name` property.');

      // Unknown setting
    } else {
      throw new Error(`Unknown plugin setting: ${setting}`);

    this.register( || name, plugin, { priority }, tool);

    return plugin;
github milesj / boost / packages / core / src / ConfigLoader.ts View on Github external
parseAndExtend(fileOrConfig: ConfigPathOrObject): ConfigLike {
    let config: ConfigLike;
    let baseDir = '';

    // Parse out the object if a file path
    if (fileOrConfig instanceof Path) {
      config = this.parseFile(fileOrConfig);
      baseDir = fileOrConfig.parent().path();
    } else {
      config = fileOrConfig;

    // Verify we're working with an object
    if (!isObject(config)) {
      throw new Error(this.tool.msg('errors:configInvalid'));

    const { extends: extendPaths } = config;

    // Nothing to extend, so return the current config
    if (!extendPaths || extendPaths.length === 0) {
      return config;

    // Resolve extend paths and inherit their config
    const nextConfig = {};
    const resolvedPaths = this.resolveExtendPaths(extendPaths, baseDir);

    resolvedPaths.forEach(extendPath => {
      if (this.parsedFiles.has(extendPath.path())) {
github milesj / boost / packages / core / src / Context.ts View on Github external
Object.keys(this).forEach(key => {
      const prop = key as keyof this;
      let value: any = this[prop];

      if (Array.isArray(value)) {
        value = [...value];
      } else if (value instanceof Map) {
        value = new Map(value);
      } else if (value instanceof Set) {
        value = new Set(value);
      } else if (value instanceof Date) {
        value = new Date(value.getTime());
      } else if (isObject(value)) {
        // Dont dereference instances, only plain objects
        if (value.constructor === Object) {
          value = { ...value };

      context[prop] = value;
github milesj / boost / packages / core / src / ModuleLoader.ts View on Github external
importModuleFromOptions(baseOptions: OptionsObject, args: any[] = []): Tm {
    const { typeName } = this;
    const options = { ...baseOptions };
    const module = options[typeName];

    delete options[typeName];

    if (!module || typeof module !== 'string') {
      throw new TypeError(this.tool.msg('errors:moduleOptionMissingKey', { typeName }));

    const nextArgs = [...args];

    if (nextArgs.length === 0) {
    } else if (isObject(nextArgs[0])) {
      nextArgs[0] = {

    return this.importModule(module, nextArgs);
github milesj / boost / packages / core / src / ModuleLoader.ts View on Github external
loadModule(module: string | OptionsObject | Tm, args: any[] = []): Tm {
    if (this.contract && instanceOf(module, this.contract)) {
      return module as Tm;
    } else if (typeof module === 'string') {
      return this.importModule(module, args);
    } else if (isObject(module)) {
      return this.importModuleFromOptions(module, args);

    throw new TypeError(this.tool.msg('errors:moduleTypeInvalid', { typeName: this.typeName }));
github milesj / boost / packages / plugin / src / Manager.ts View on Github external
register(name: ModuleName, plugin: Plugin, options?: PluginOptions, tool?: Tool): this {
    if (!name.match(MODULE_NAME_PATTERN)) {
      throw new Error(`A fully qualified module name is required for ${this.pluralName}.`);

    if (!isObject(plugin)) {
      throw new TypeError(
        `Expected an object or class instance for the ${
        }, found ${typeof plugin}.`,

    this.debug('Validating plugin "%s"', name);


    this.debug('Registering plugin "%s" with defined tool and triggering startup', name);

    this.triggerStartup(plugin, tool);

github milesj / boost / packages / core / src / ConfigLoader.ts View on Github external
value = JSON5.parse(fs.readFileSync(filePath.path(), 'utf8'));
    } else if (ext === '.js') {
      value = requireModule(filePath);

      if (typeof value === 'function') {
        if (options.errorOnFunction) {
          throw new Error(this.tool.msg('errors:configNoFunction', { name }));
        } else {
          value = value(...args);
    } else {
      throw new Error(this.tool.msg('errors:configUnsupportedExt', { ext }));

    if (!isObject(value)) {
      throw new Error(this.tool.msg('errors:configInvalidNamed', { name }));


    return value;