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public createSheetTile(tile: RenderTexture, polyfaces: IndexedPolyface[], tileColor: ColorDef): GraphicList {
const sheetTileGraphics: GraphicList = [];
for (const polyface of polyfaces) {
const rawParams =;
if (rawParams === undefined)
return sheetTileGraphics; // return empty
const meshArgs = new MeshArgs();
const pts =;
meshArgs.points = new QPoint3dList(QParams3d.fromRange(Range3d.createArray(pts))); // use these point params
for (const point of pts)
meshArgs.points.push(QPoint3d.create(point, meshArgs.points.params));
const uvs: Point2d[] = rawParams.getPoint2dArray();
const pointIndices: number[] = [];
const uvIndices: number[] = [];
const visitor = IndexedPolyfaceVisitor.create(polyface, 0);
while (visitor.moveToNextFacet()) {
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
// make uv arrangement and indices match that of points
public reset(): void {
this.points = new QPoint3dList(QParams3d.fromRange(Range3d.createNull()));
this.polylines = [];
public init(mesh: Mesh) {
public constructor(points: QPoint3dList = new QPoint3dList(QParams3d.fromRange(Range3d.createNull())),
polylines: PolylineData[] = [], pointParams?: QParams3d, is2d = false, isPlanar = false) {
this.points = points;
this.polylines = polylines;
if (undefined === pointParams) {
this.pointParams = QParams3d.fromRange(Range3d.createNull());
} else {
this.pointParams = pointParams;
this.flags = new PolylineFlags(is2d, isPlanar);
const json = primitive.vertices;
if (undefined === json)
return undefined;
const bytes = this.findBuffer(JsonUtils.asString(json.bufferView));
if (undefined === bytes)
return undefined;
const uniformFeatureID = undefined !== json.featureID ? JsonUtils.asInt(json.featureID) : undefined;
const rangeMin = JsonUtils.asArray(json.params.decodedMin);
const rangeMax = JsonUtils.asArray(json.params.decodedMax);
if (undefined === rangeMin || undefined === rangeMax)
return undefined;
const qparams = QParams3d.fromRange(Range3d.create(Point3d.create(rangeMin[0], rangeMin[1], rangeMin[2]), Point3d.create(rangeMax[0], rangeMax[1], rangeMax[2])));
const uniformColor = undefined !== json.uniformColor ? ColorDef.fromJSON(json.uniformColor) : undefined;
let uvParams: QParams2d | undefined;
if (undefined !== primitive.surface && undefined !== primitive.surface.uvParams) {
const uvMin = JsonUtils.asArray(primitive.surface.uvParams.decodedMin);
const uvMax = JsonUtils.asArray(primitive.surface.uvParams.decodedMax);
if (undefined === uvMin || undefined === uvMax)
return undefined;
const uvRange = new Range2d(uvMin[0], uvMin[1], uvMax[0], uvMax[1]);
uvParams = QParams2d.fromRange(uvRange);
return new VertexTable({
data: bytes,
import { ClientRequestContext } from "@bentley/bentleyjs-core";
import { QParams3d, QPoint3d, TextureMapping, RenderTexture, ColorDef, LinePixels, FillFlags } from "@bentley/imodeljs-common";
import { Mesh, MeshArgs } from "../render/primitives/mesh/MeshPrimitives";
import { DisplayParams } from "../render/primitives/DisplayParams";
import { Triangle } from "../render/primitives/Primitives";
import { VertexKey } from "../render/primitives/VertexKey";
import { MeshParams } from "../render/primitives/VertexTable";
import { request, Response, RequestOptions } from "@bentley/imodeljs-clients";
import { IModelConnection } from "../IModelConnection";
import { RenderSystem, RenderGraphic } from "../render/System";
/** @internal */
export class BingElevationProvider {
private static _scratchRange = Range3d.createNull();
private static _scratchVertex = Point3d.createZero();
private static _scratchQParams = QParams3d.fromRange(BingElevationProvider._scratchRange);
private static _scratchQPoint = QPoint3d.create(BingElevationProvider._scratchVertex, BingElevationProvider._scratchQParams);
private static _scratchMeshArgs = new MeshArgs();
private static _scratchUV = Point2d.createZero();
private static _scratchPoint = Point3d.createZero();
private _heightRangeRequestTemplate: string;
private _seaLevelOffsetRequestTemplate: string;
private _heightListRequestTemplate: string;
protected _requestContext = new ClientRequestContext("");
constructor() {
const bingKey = "AtaeI3QDNG7Bpv1L53cSfDBgBKXIgLq3q-xmn_Y2UyzvF-68rdVxwAuje49syGZt";
this._heightRangeRequestTemplate = "{boundingBox}&rows=16&cols=16&heights=ellipsoid&key={BingMapsAPIKey}".replace("{BingMapsAPIKey}", bingKey);
this._seaLevelOffsetRequestTemplate = "{points}&key={BingMapsAPIKey}".replace("{BingMapsAPIKey}", bingKey);
this._heightListRequestTemplate = "{points}&heights={heights}&key={BingMapsAPIKey}".replace("{BingMapsAPIKey}", bingKey);
public constructor(points: QPoint3dList = new QPoint3dList(QParams3d.fromRange(Range3d.createNull())),
polylines: PolylineData[] = [], pointParams?: QParams3d, is2d = false, isPlanar = false) {
this.points = points;
this.polylines = polylines;
if (undefined === pointParams) {
this.pointParams = QParams3d.fromRange(Range3d.createNull());
} else {
this.pointParams = pointParams;
this.flags = new PolylineFlags(is2d, isPlanar);
private constructor(props: Mesh.Props) {
const { displayParams, features, type, range, is2d, isPlanar } = props;
this._data = Mesh.PrimitiveType.Mesh === type ? new TriangleList() : new MeshPolylineList();
this.displayParams = displayParams;
this.features = features;
this.type = type;
this.is2d = is2d;
this.isPlanar = isPlanar;
this.hasBakedLighting = (true === props.hasBakedLighting);
this.isVolumeClassifier = (true === props.isVolumeClassifier);
this.points = new QPoint3dList(QParams3d.fromRange(range));