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public async updateTags(requestContext: AuthorizedClientRequestContext, contextId: GuidString, psFile: PSPhotoFile): Promise {
try {
const tags = await psFile.readTagsFromJpeg();
if (tags === undefined) {
Logger.logWarning(loggerCategory, "Jpeg does not have any geographic location", () => ({ ...psFile.psFile }));
return undefined;
await this.saveTags(requestContext, contextId, psFile, tags);
return tags;
} catch (error) {
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-console
console.log(`Error ${error} attempting to read tags of ${}`);
return undefined;
case 6:
// console.log('Thumbnail image format is JPEG');
if (thumbTags.has("JpegIFOffset") && thumbTags.has("JpegIFByteCount")) {
// extract the thumbnail
const tOffset = tiffStart + (thumbTags.get("JpegIFOffset") as number);
const tLength = thumbTags.get("JpegIFByteCount") as number;
if (tOffset + tLength > dataView.byteLength)
Logger.logWarning(loggerCategory, "Cannot extract thumbnail blob");
thumbTags.set("blob", Buffer.from(dataView.buffer, tOffset, tLength));
case 1:
Logger.logWarning(loggerCategory, "Thumbnail image format is TIFF, which is not implemented.");
Logger.logWarning(loggerCategory, "Unknown thumbnail image format", () => ({ format: thumbTags.get("Compression") }));
} else if (thumbTags.get("PhotometricInterpretation") === 2) {
Logger.logWarning(loggerCategory, "Thumbnail image format is RGB, which is not implemented.");
return thumbTags;
// Data format is ordinary JPEG format, starts from 0xFFD8 and ends by 0xFFD9. It seems that
// JPEG format and 160x120pixels of size are recommended thumbnail format for Exif2.1 or later.
if (thumbTags.has("Compression")) {
// console.log('Thumbnail image found!');
switch (thumbTags.get("Compression") as number) {
case 6:
// console.log('Thumbnail image format is JPEG');
if (thumbTags.has("JpegIFOffset") && thumbTags.has("JpegIFByteCount")) {
// extract the thumbnail
const tOffset = tiffStart + (thumbTags.get("JpegIFOffset") as number);
const tLength = thumbTags.get("JpegIFByteCount") as number;
if (tOffset + tLength > dataView.byteLength)
Logger.logWarning(loggerCategory, "Cannot extract thumbnail blob");
thumbTags.set("blob", Buffer.from(dataView.buffer, tOffset, tLength));
case 1:
Logger.logWarning(loggerCategory, "Thumbnail image format is TIFF, which is not implemented.");
Logger.logWarning(loggerCategory, "Unknown thumbnail image format", () => ({ format: thumbTags.get("Compression") }));
} else if (thumbTags.get("PhotometricInterpretation") === 2) {
Logger.logWarning(loggerCategory, "Thumbnail image format is RGB, which is not implemented.");
return thumbTags;
if (undefined !== ret.error) {
reject(new IModelError(ret.error.status, "TreeId=" + treeId + " TileId=" + tileId));
} else if (typeof ret.result !== "number") { // if type is not a number, it's the TileContent interface
const res = ret.result as IModelJsNative.TileContent;
let iModelId = this._iModel.iModelToken.iModelId;
if (undefined === iModelId) {
// iModel not in hub - therefore we're almost certainly not logging to SEQ so don't much care...
iModelId = "";
const tileSizeThreshold = IModelHost.logTileSizeThreshold;
const tileSize = res.content.length;
if (tileSize > tileSizeThreshold) {
Logger.logWarning(loggerCategory, "Tile size (in bytes) larger than specified threshold", () => ({ tileSize, tileSizeThreshold, treeId, tileId, iModelId }));
const loadTimeThreshold = IModelHost.logTileLoadTimeThreshold;
const loadTime = res.elapsedSeconds;
if (loadTime > loadTimeThreshold) {
Logger.logWarning(loggerCategory, "Tile load time (in seconds) greater than specified threshold", () => ({ loadTime, loadTimeThreshold, treeId, tileId, iModelId }));
} else { // if the type is a number, it's the TileContentState enum
// ###TODO: Decide appropriate timeout interval. May want to switch on state (new vs loading vs pending)
setTimeout(() => this.pollTileContent(resolve, reject, treeId, tileId, requestContext), 10);
if (DbResult.BE_SQLITE_OK !== res)
throw new IModelError(res, `Cannot open briefcase at ${pathname}`, Logger.logError, loggerCategory, () => ({ iModelId, pathname, openParams }));
const briefcase = new BriefcaseEntry(contextId, iModelId, changeSetId, pathname, openParams, briefcaseId);
briefcase.setNativeDb(nativeDb); // Note: Sets briefcaseId, currentChangeSetId in BriefcaseEntry by reading the values from nativeDb
// Validate the briefcase
let isValidBriefcase: boolean = true;
if (briefcase.currentChangeSetId !== briefcase.targetChangeSetId) {
if (openParams.syncMode === SyncMode.FixedVersion) {
Logger.logError(loggerCategory, "Briefcase found is invalid (is not of required version). Deleting it to allow retries", () => briefcase.getDebugInfo());
isValidBriefcase = false;
} else {
if (nativeDb.hasUnsavedChanges() || nativeDb.hasSavedChanges())
Logger.logWarning(loggerCategory, "Briefcase found with local changes, but is not of required version. Ignoring required version", () => briefcase.getDebugInfo());
isValidBriefcase = false; // Invalidate the briefcase to refetch it
if (briefcase.briefcaseId !== briefcaseId) {
Logger.logError(loggerCategory, "Briefcase found is invalid (does not have the expected briefcase id). Deleting it to allow retries", () => ({ expectedBriefcaseId: briefcaseId, ...briefcase.getDebugInfo() }));
isValidBriefcase = false;
if (!isValidBriefcase) {
BriefcaseManager.closeBriefcase(briefcase, false);
return undefined;
const cachedBriefcase = this._cache.findBriefcase(briefcase);
if (cachedBriefcase) {
// extract the thumbnail
const tOffset = tiffStart + (thumbTags.get("JpegIFOffset") as number);
const tLength = thumbTags.get("JpegIFByteCount") as number;
if (tOffset + tLength > dataView.byteLength)
Logger.logWarning(loggerCategory, "Cannot extract thumbnail blob");
thumbTags.set("blob", Buffer.from(dataView.buffer, tOffset, tLength));
case 1:
Logger.logWarning(loggerCategory, "Thumbnail image format is TIFF, which is not implemented.");
Logger.logWarning(loggerCategory, "Unknown thumbnail image format", () => ({ format: thumbTags.get("Compression") }));
} else if (thumbTags.get("PhotometricInterpretation") === 2) {
Logger.logWarning(loggerCategory, "Thumbnail image format is RGB, which is not implemented.");
return thumbTags;
if (tOffset + tLength > dataView.byteLength)
Logger.logWarning(loggerCategory, "Cannot extract thumbnail blob");
thumbTags.set("blob", Buffer.from(dataView.buffer, tOffset, tLength));
case 1:
Logger.logWarning(loggerCategory, "Thumbnail image format is TIFF, which is not implemented.");
Logger.logWarning(loggerCategory, "Unknown thumbnail image format", () => ({ format: thumbTags.get("Compression") }));
} else if (thumbTags.get("PhotometricInterpretation") === 2) {
Logger.logWarning(loggerCategory, "Thumbnail image format is RGB, which is not implemented.");
return thumbTags;
private static getSessionId(requestContext: AuthorizedClientRequestContext): GuidString {
if (!Guid.isGuid(requestContext.sessionId)) {
Logger.logWarning(loggerCategory, "Specified sessionId is not a valid Guid. Set up IModelApp.sessionId for frontend applications, or IModelHost.sessionId for agents");
return Guid.empty;
return requestContext.sessionId;
if (!parameters || !Array.isArray(parameters)) {
for (let i = 0; i !== parameters.length; ++i) {
const parameter = parameters[i];
const isToken = typeof (parameter) === "object" && parameter !== null && parameter.hasOwnProperty("iModelId") && parameter.hasOwnProperty("contextId");
if (isToken && this.protocol.checkToken && !this.operation.policy.allowTokenMismatch) {
const inflated = this.protocol.inflateToken(parameter, this.request);
parameters[i] = inflated;
if (!RpcInvocation.compareTokens(parameter, inflated)) {
if (RpcConfiguration.throwOnTokenMismatch) {
throw new IModelError(BentleyStatus.ERROR, "IModelToken mismatch detected for this request.");
} else {
Logger.logWarning(CommonLoggerCategory.RpcInterfaceBackend, "IModelToken mismatch detected for this request.");