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render () {
let dialogWidth = 3
let dialogHeight = 1
return (
let { plane } = this.state
if (plane) {
let forwardRay = camera.getForwardRay()
plane.position = camera.position.clone().add(forwardRay.direction.scale(1.5 / camera.fov /* * forwardRay.length */))
plane.lookAt(camera.position, 0, Math.PI, Math.PI)
const sphereRef = useCallback(node => {
sphere = node.hostInstance;
}, []);
return (
<p>@babylonjs + `react-babylonjs`</p>
default: () => Vector3.Zero(),
const BouncyPlayground = () => {
const sphereRef = useCallback(node => {
sphere = node.hostInstance;
}, []);
return (
render () {
let baseUrl = ''
return (