How to use the @babel/runtime-corejs3/core-js/array/is-array function in @babel/runtime-corejs3

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if (!isObject(source) || !isObject(other)) {
    return other === undefined ? source : other;

  if (isFunction(source) || isFunction(other)) {
    return other === undefined ? source : other;
  } // 合并两个对象的 key,另外要区分数组的初始值为 []

  var keys = _Object$keys(_objectSpread({}, source, {}, other));

  return _reduceInstanceProperty(keys).call(keys, function (acc, key) {
    // 递归合并 value
    acc[key] = merge(source[key], other[key]);
    return acc;
  }, _Array$isArray(source) ? [] : {});