How to use the @babel/helper-validator-identifier.isReservedWord function in @babel/helper-validator-identifier

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @babel/helper-validator-identifier examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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} else if (parentKey === "key") {
      if ((0, _is.default)("Property", parent, nonComp)) return;
      if ((0, _is.default)("Method", parent, nonComp)) return;
    } else if (parentKey === "exported") {
      if ((0, _is.default)("ExportSpecifier", parent)) return;
    } else if (parentKey === "imported") {
      if ((0, _is.default)("ImportSpecifier", parent, {
        imported: node
      })) return;
    } else if (parentKey === "meta") {
      if ((0, _is.default)("MetaProperty", parent, {
        meta: node
      })) return;

    if (((0, _helperValidatorIdentifier.isKeyword)( || (0, _helperValidatorIdentifier.isReservedWord)( && !== "this") {
      throw new TypeError(`"${}" is not a valid identifier`);
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} else if (parentKey === "key") {
      if ((0, _is.default)("Property", parent, nonComp)) return;
      if ((0, _is.default)("Method", parent, nonComp)) return;
    } else if (parentKey === "exported") {
      if ((0, _is.default)("ExportSpecifier", parent)) return;
    } else if (parentKey === "imported") {
      if ((0, _is.default)("ImportSpecifier", parent, {
        imported: node
      })) return;
    } else if (parentKey === "meta") {
      if ((0, _is.default)("MetaProperty", parent, {
        meta: node
      })) return;

    if (((0, _helperValidatorIdentifier.isKeyword)( || (0, _helperValidatorIdentifier.isReservedWord)( && !== "this") {
      throw new TypeError(`"${}" is not a valid identifier`);


Validate identifier/keywords name

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