How to use the @azure/event-hubs.EventHubClient.createFromIotHubConnectionString function in @azure/event-hubs

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @azure/event-hubs examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github nebrius / aquarium-control / server / src / messaging.ts View on Github external
async function doInit() {
  registry = Registry.fromConnectionString(IOT_HUB_CONNECTION_STRING);

  const client = await EventHubClient.createFromIotHubConnectionString(IOT_HUB_CONNECTION_STRING);
  const hubInfo = await client.getHubRuntimeInformation();
  console.log(`Connected to IoT Hub at ${hubInfo.path}`);

    (eventData) => { // on 'message
      if (eventData.annotations) {
        const enqueuedTime = eventData.annotations['x-opt-enqueued-time'];
        console.debug(`Received message from IoT Hub, enqueued at ${enqueuedTime}`);
      } else {
        console.debug(`Received message from IoT Hub`);
    (error) => {
      console.error(`Error receiving message from Event Hubs: ${error}`);
github Azure / azure-iot-sdk-node / device / samples / module_send_event.js View on Github external
const run = async() => {
    try {
        console.log('Initializing Module Client.');
        const moduleClient = ModuleClient.fromConnectionString(process.env.DEVICE_CONNECTION_STRING, Mqtt);
        // We use the iot hub connection string to create the client rather than the actual event hub end point
        console.log('Initializing Event Hub Client.');
        const eventHubClient = await EventHubClient.createFromIotHubConnectionString(process.env.IOTHUB_CONNECTION_STRING); 
        console.log('Initializing HTTP Device Client.');
        const httpClient = HttpClientFromConnectionString(process.env.DEVICE_CONNECTION_STRING);
        console.log('Initialized clients!');

        console.log('Getting information from Event Hub.');
        const partitionIds = await eventHubClient.getPartitionIds(); //read more about partitions
        const startingPosition = EventPosition.fromEnqueuedTime( - 1000); //subtracting a second to account for delay
        const eventLabel = 'beepBoop'; //label our events
        const sendDummyMessage = m => moduleClient.sendOutputEvent(eventLabel, m); //send helper

        console.log('Creating messages to send to via Module Client');
        //generate some messages
        const messageCount = 10;
        const importantMessages = [...Array(messageCount).keys()].map(generateImportantMessage);
github Azure-Samples / azure-iot-samples-node / iot-hub / Quickstarts / read-d2c-messages / ReadDeviceToCloudMessages.js View on Github external
// - The device can add arbitrary application properties to the message
// - IoT Hub adds system properties, such as Device Id, to the message.
var printMessage = function (message) {
  console.log('Telemetry received: ');
  console.log('Application properties (set by device): ')
  console.log('System properties (set by IoT Hub): ')

// Connect to the partitions on the IoT Hub's Event Hubs-compatible endpoint.
// This example only reads messages sent after this application started.
var ehClient;
EventHubClient.createFromIotHubConnectionString(connectionString).then(function (client) {
  console.log("Successfully created the EventHub Client from iothub connection string.");
  ehClient = client;
  return ehClient.getPartitionIds();
}).then(function (ids) {
  console.log("The partition ids are: ", ids);
  return (id) {
    return ehClient.receive(id, printMessage, printError, { eventPosition: EventPosition.fromEnqueuedTime( });
github Azure / azure-sdk-for-js / sdk / eventhub / event-processor-host / src / eventProcessorHost.ts View on Github external
static async createFromIotHubConnectionString(
    hostName: string,
    storageConnectionString: string,
    storageContainerName: string,
    iotHubConnectionString: string,
    options?: FromIotHubConnectionStringOptions
  ): Promise {
    if (!options) options = {};

    validateType("hostName", hostName, true, "string");
    validateType("storageConnectionString", storageConnectionString, true, "string");
    validateType("storageContainerName", storageContainerName, true, "string");
    validateType("iotHubConnectionString", iotHubConnectionString, true, "string");
    validateType("options", options, false, "object");

    const client = await EventHubClient.createFromIotHubConnectionString(iotHubConnectionString);
    /* tslint:disable:no-string-literal */
    const eventHubConnectionString = client["_context"].config.connectionString;
    const ephOptions: EventProcessorHostOptions = {
      storageConnectionString: storageConnectionString,
      storageContainerName: storageContainerName,
      eventHubConnectionString: eventHubConnectionString,
      eventHubPath: client.eventhubName
    return new EventProcessorHost(hostName, ephOptions);
github Azure / iothub-diagnostics / iothubtests / testService.js View on Github external {
    if (err) {
      logger.fatal('Unable to open connection to Eventhub: ' + err.message);

    logger.trace('Test service open.');
    .then(function (ehClient) {
      eventHubConnection = ehClient;
      return eventHubConnection.getPartitionIds();
    .then(function (partitionIds) {
      return (partitionId) {
            consumerGroup: consumerGroup,
            eventPosition: EventPosition.fromEnqueuedTime(
        return null;
github Azure / azure-iot-sdk-node / ts-e2e / src / d2c.tests.ts View on Github external
const onEventHubError = (err) => {
          throw err;
        const onEventHubMessage = (receivedMsg) => {
          debug('EH Client: Message received');
          if (uuidBuffer.toString( === testMessage.messageId) {
            debug('EH Client: Message OK');
            receiveOK = true;
            if (sendOK && receiveOK) {
                      .then(() => testCallback());

        .then((client) => ehClient = client)
        .then(() => ehClient.getPartitionIds())
        .then((partitionIds) => {
          partitionIds.forEach((partitionId) => {
            ehClient.receive(partitionId, onEventHubMessage, onEventHubError, { eventPosition: EventPosition.fromEnqueuedTime(startAfterTime) });
          return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(), 3000));
        }).then(() => {
          debug('EH Client: Receivers created');
          const deviceClient = DeviceClient.fromConnectionString(testDeviceCS, transportCtor);
          deviceClient.sendEvent(testMessage, (sendErr, result) => {
            if (sendErr) throw sendErr;
            debug('Device Client: Message sent');
            assert.instanceOf(result, results.MessageEnqueued);
            sendOK = true;
            if (sendOK && receiveOK) {
github noopkat / electric-io / lib / liveHub.js View on Github external
function startHub(options) {
  return EventHubClient.createFromIotHubConnectionString(
    .then(client => (ehClient = client))
    .then(() => ehClient.getPartitionIds())
    .then(partitionIds => filterPartitions(options, partitionIds))
    .then(partitionIds => generateReceivers(options, partitionIds));
github microsoft / vscode-azure-iot-toolkit / src / iotHubMessageExplorer.ts View on Github external
this.outputLine(Constants.IoTHubMonitorLabel, "There is a running job to monitor built-in event endpoint. Please stop it first.");

        let iotHubConnectionString = await Utility.getConnectionString(Constants.IotHubConnectionStringKey, Constants.IotHubConnectionStringTitle);
        if (!iotHubConnectionString) {
        let config = Utility.getConfiguration();
        let consumerGroup = config.get(Constants.IoTHubConsumerGroup);

        try {
            const deviceLabel = deviceItem ? `device [${deviceItem.deviceId}]` : "all devices";
            this.outputLine(Constants.IoTHubMonitorLabel, `Start monitoring message arrived in built-in endpoint for ${deviceLabel} ...`);
            this._eventHubClient = await EventHubClient.createFromIotHubConnectionString(iotHubConnectionString);
            TelemetryClient.sendEvent(Constants.IoTHubAIStartMonitorEvent, { deviceType: deviceItem ? deviceItem.contextValue : "" });
            await this.startMonitor(Constants.IoTHubMonitorLabel, consumerGroup, deviceItem);
        } catch (e) {
            this.outputLine(Constants.IoTHubMonitorLabel, e);
            TelemetryClient.sendEvent(Constants.IoTHubAIStartMonitorEvent, { Result: "Exception", Message: e });