How to use @azure/arm-appservice - 4 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @azure/arm-appservice examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github serverless / serverless-azure-functions / src / services / functionAppService.ts View on Github external
public constructor(serverless: Serverless, options: Serverless.Options) {
    super(serverless, options);

    this.webClient = new WebSiteManagementClient(this.credentials, this.subscriptionId);
    this.blobService = new AzureBlobStorageService(serverless, options);
github tmobile / jazz / builds / jazz_azure-create-service / components / ClientFactory.js View on Github external
constructor(clientId, clientSecret, tenantId, subscriptionId) {

        this.clientId = clientId;
        this.clientSecret = clientSecret;
        this.tenantId = tenantId;
        this.subscriptionId = subscriptionId;

        this.classList = new Map();
        this.classList.set('WebSiteManagementClient', WebSiteManagementClient);
        this.classList.set('ResourceManagementClient', ResourceManagementClient);
        this.classList.set('StorageManagementClient', StorageManagementClient);
        this.classList.set('ApiManagementClient', ApiManagementClient);
        this.classList.set('CdnManagementClient', CdnManagementClient);
        this.classList.set('CosmosDBManagementClient', CosmosDBManagementClient);
        this.classList.set('EventHubManagementClient', EventHubManagementClient);
        this.classList.set('ServiceBusManagementClient', ServiceBusManagementClient);

        this.instanceList = new Map();
github Majavapaja / Majavashakki / deployment / src / context.ts View on Github external
export async function login(): Promise {
  const creds = await msRestNodeAuth.loginWithServicePrincipalSecret(clientId, secret, tenant)
  const websites = new appservice.WebSiteManagementClient(creds as any, subscriptionId)
  return {
    webapps: new appservice.WebApps(websites),
    secrets: new SecretClient(``, new EnvironmentCredential()),
    cosmosdb: new cosmosdb.CosmosDBManagementClient(creds as any, subscriptionId),
    containerregistry: new ContainerRegistryManagementClient(creds as any, subscriptionId),
github Majavapaja / Majavashakki / deployment / src / context.ts View on Github external
export async function login(): Promise {
  const creds = await msRestNodeAuth.loginWithServicePrincipalSecret(clientId, secret, tenant)
  const websites = new appservice.WebSiteManagementClient(creds as any, subscriptionId)
  return {
    webapps: new appservice.WebApps(websites),
    secrets: new SecretClient(``, new EnvironmentCredential()),
    cosmosdb: new cosmosdb.CosmosDBManagementClient(creds as any, subscriptionId),
    containerregistry: new ContainerRegistryManagementClient(creds as any, subscriptionId),


A generated SDK for WebSiteManagementClient.

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