How to use @azure/abort-controller - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @azure/abort-controller examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Azure / azure-sdk-for-js / sdk / storage / storage-file / samples / typescript / advanced.ts View on Github external
const fileClient = directoryClient.getFileClient(fileName);
  const fileSize = fs.statSync(localFilePath).size;

  // Parallel uploading with FileClient.uploadFile() in Node.js runtime
  // FileClient.uploadFile() is only available in Node.js
  await fileClient.uploadFile(localFilePath, {
    rangeSize: 4 * 1024 * 1024, // 4MB range size
    concurrency: 20, // 20 concurrency
    onProgress: (ev) => console.log(ev)
  console.log("uploadFile success");

  // Parallel uploading a Readable stream with FileClient.uploadStream() in Node.js runtime
  // FileClient.uploadStream() is only available in Node.js
  await fileClient.uploadStream(fs.createReadStream(localFilePath), fileSize, 4 * 1024 * 1024, 20, {
    abortSignal: AbortController.timeout(30 * 60 * 1000), // Abort uploading with timeout in 30mins
    onProgress: (ev: any) => console.log(ev)
  console.log("uploadStream success");

  // Parallel uploading a browser File/Blob/ArrayBuffer in browsers with FileClient.uploadBrowserData()
  // Uncomment following code in browsers because FileClient.uploadBrowserData() is only available in browsers
  const browserFile = document.getElementById("fileinput").files[0];
  await fileClient.uploadBrowserData(browserFile, {
    rangeSize: 4 * 1024 * 1024, // 4MB range size
    concurrency: 20, // 20 concurrency
    onProgress: ev => console.log(ev)

  // Parallel downloading an Azure file into Node.js buffer
github Azure / azure-sdk-for-js / sdk / storage / storage-file / samples / typescript / advanced.ts View on Github external
// Parallel uploading a browser File/Blob/ArrayBuffer in browsers with FileClient.uploadBrowserData()
  // Uncomment following code in browsers because FileClient.uploadBrowserData() is only available in browsers
  const browserFile = document.getElementById("fileinput").files[0];
  await fileClient.uploadBrowserData(browserFile, {
    rangeSize: 4 * 1024 * 1024, // 4MB range size
    concurrency: 20, // 20 concurrency
    onProgress: ev => console.log(ev)

  // Parallel downloading an Azure file into Node.js buffer
  // FileClient.downloadToBuffer() is only available in Node.js
  const buffer = Buffer.alloc(fileSize);
  await fileClient.downloadToBuffer(buffer, undefined, undefined, {
    abortSignal: AbortController.timeout(30 * 60 * 1000),
    rangeSize: 4 * 1024 * 1024, // 4MB range size
    concurrency: 20, // 20 concurrency
    onProgress: (ev) => console.log(ev)
  console.log("downloadToBuffer success");

  // Delete share
  await shareClient.delete();
  console.log("deleted share");
github Azure / azure-sdk-for-js / sdk / storage / storage-file / samples / javascript / advanced.js View on Github external
const fileClient = directoryClient.getFileClient(fileName);
  const fileSize = fs.statSync(localFilePath).size;

  // Parallel uploading with FileClient.uploadFile() in Node.js runtime
  // FileClient.uploadFile() is only available in Node.js
  await fileClient.uploadFile(localFilePath, {
    rangeSize: 4 * 1024 * 1024, // 4MB range size
    parallelism: 20, // 20 concurrency
    onProgress: (ev) => console.log(ev)
  console.log("uploadFile success");

  // Parallel uploading a Readable stream with FileClient.uploadStream() in Node.js runtime
  // FileClient.uploadStream() is only available in Node.js
  await fileClient.uploadStream(fs.createReadStream(localFilePath), fileSize, 4 * 1024 * 1024, 20, {
    abortSignal: AbortController.timeout(30 * 60 * 1000), // Abort uploading with timeout in 30mins
    onProgress: (ev) => console.log(ev)
  console.log("uploadStream success");

  // Parallel uploading a browser File/Blob/ArrayBuffer in browsers with FileClient.uploadBrowserData()
  // Uncomment following code in browsers because FileClient.uploadBrowserData() is only available in browsers
  const browserFile = document.getElementById("fileinput").files[0];
  await fileClient.uploadBrowserData(browserFile, {
    rangeSize: 4 * 1024 * 1024, // 4MB range size
    parallelism: 20, // 20 concurrency
    onProgress: ev => console.log(ev)

  // Parallel downloading an Azure file into Node.js buffer
github Azure / azure-sdk-for-js / sdk / storage / storage-typescript / src / advanced.ts View on Github external
  const browserFile = document.getElementById("fileinput").files[0];
  await blockBlobClient.uploadBrowserData(browserFile, {
    blockSize: 4 * 1024 * 1024, // 4MB block size
    concurrency: 20, // 20 concurrency
    onProgress: ev => console.log(ev)

  // Parallel downloading a block blob into Node.js buffer
  // downloadToBuffer is only available in Node.js
  const fileSize = fs.statSync(localFilePath).size;
  const buffer = Buffer.alloc(fileSize);
  try {
    await blockBlobClient.downloadToBuffer(buffer, 0, undefined, {
      abortSignal: AbortController.timeout(30 * 60 * 1000), // Abort uploading with timeout in 30mins
      blockSize: 4 * 1024 * 1024, // 4MB block size
      concurrency: 20, // 20 concurrency
      onProgress: (ev) => console.log(ev)
    console.log("downloadToBuffer succeeds");
  } catch (err) {
      `downloadToBuffer failed, requestId - ${err.details.requestId}, statusCode - ${err.statusCode}, errorCode - ${err.details.errorCode}`

  // Archive the blob - Log the error codes
  await blockBlobClient.setAccessTier("Archive");
  try {
    // Downloading an archived blockBlob fails
    console.log("// Downloading an archived blockBlob fails...");
github Azure / azure-sdk-for-js / sdk / storage / storage-file-share / samples / javascript / advanced.js View on Github external
const fileClient = directoryClient.getFileClient(fileName);
  const fileSize = fs.statSync(localFilePath).size;

  // Parallel uploading with ShareFileClient.uploadFile() in Node.js runtime
  // ShareFileClient.uploadFile() is only available in Node.js
  await fileClient.uploadFile(localFilePath, {
    rangeSize: 4 * 1024 * 1024, // 4MB range size
    parallelism: 20, // 20 concurrency
    onProgress: (ev) => console.log(ev)
  console.log("uploadFile success");

  // Parallel uploading a Readable stream with ShareFileClient.uploadStream() in Node.js runtime
  // ShareFileClient.uploadStream() is only available in Node.js
  await fileClient.uploadStream(fs.createReadStream(localFilePath), fileSize, 4 * 1024 * 1024, 20, {
    abortSignal: AbortController.timeout(30 * 60 * 1000), // Abort uploading with timeout in 30mins
    onProgress: (ev) => console.log(ev)
  console.log("uploadStream success");

  // Parallel uploading a browser File/Blob/ArrayBuffer in browsers with ShareFileClient.uploadBrowserData()
  // Uncomment following code in browsers because ShareFileClient.uploadBrowserData() is only available in browsers
  const browserFile = document.getElementById("fileinput").files[0];
  await fileClient.uploadBrowserData(browserFile, {
    rangeSize: 4 * 1024 * 1024, // 4MB range size
    parallelism: 20, // 20 concurrency
    onProgress: ev => console.log(ev)

  // Parallel downloading an Azure file into Node.js buffer
github Azure / azure-sdk-for-js / sdk / storage / storage-javascript / advanced.js View on Github external
  const browserFile = document.getElementById("fileinput").files[0];
  await blockBlobClient.uploadBrowserData(browserFile, {
    blockSize: 4 * 1024 * 1024, // 4MB block size
    concurrency: 20, // 20 concurrency
    onProgress: ev => console.log(ev)

  // Parallel downloading a block blob into Node.js buffer
  // downloadToBuffer is only available in Node.js
  const fileSize = fs.statSync(localFilePath).size;
  const buffer = Buffer.alloc(fileSize);
  try {
    await blockBlobClient.downloadToBuffer(buffer, 0, undefined, {
      abortSignal: AbortController.timeout(30 * 60 * 1000), // Abort uploading with timeout in 30mins
      blockSize: 4 * 1024 * 1024, // 4MB block size
      concurrency: 20, // 20 concurrency
      onProgress: (ev) => console.log(ev)
    console.log("downloadToBuffer succeeds");
  } catch (err) {
      `downloadToBuffer failed, requestId - ${err.details.requestId}, statusCode - ${err.statusCode}, errorCode - ${err.details.errorCode}`

  // Archive the blob - Log the error codes
  await blockBlobClient.setAccessTier("Archive");
  try {
    // Downloading an archived blockBlob fails
    console.log("// Downloading an archived blockBlob fails...");
github Azure / azure-sdk-for-js / sdk / storage / storage-file-share / samples / typescript / src / advanced.ts View on Github external
const fileClient = directoryClient.getFileClient(fileName);
  const fileSize = fs.statSync(localFilePath).size;

  // Parallel uploading with ShareFileClient.uploadFile() in Node.js runtime
  // ShareFileClient.uploadFile() is only available in Node.js
  await fileClient.uploadFile(localFilePath, {
    rangeSize: 4 * 1024 * 1024, // 4MB range size
    concurrency: 20, // 20 concurrency
    onProgress: (ev) => console.log(ev)
  console.log("uploadFile success");

  // Parallel uploading a Readable stream with ShareFileClient.uploadStream() in Node.js runtime
  // ShareFileClient.uploadStream() is only available in Node.js
  await fileClient.uploadStream(fs.createReadStream(localFilePath), fileSize, 4 * 1024 * 1024, 20, {
    abortSignal: AbortController.timeout(30 * 60 * 1000), // Abort uploading with timeout in 30mins
    onProgress: (ev: any) => console.log(ev)
  console.log("uploadStream success");

  // Parallel uploading a browser File/Blob/ArrayBuffer in browsers with ShareFileClient.uploadBrowserData()
  // Uncomment following code in browsers because ShareFileClient.uploadBrowserData() is only available in browsers
  const browserFile = document.getElementById("fileinput").files[0];
  await fileClient.uploadBrowserData(browserFile, {
    rangeSize: 4 * 1024 * 1024, // 4MB range size
    concurrency: 20, // 20 concurrency
    onProgress: ev => console.log(ev)

  // Parallel downloading an Azure file into Node.js buffer
github Azure / azure-sdk-for-js / sdk / storage / storage-file-share / src / policies / StorageRetryPolicy.ts View on Github external
   * Linear retry. Retry time delay grows linearly.

// Default values of RetryOptions
const DEFAULT_RETRY_OPTIONS: StorageRetryOptions = {
  maxRetryDelayInMs: 120 * 1000,
  maxTries: 4,
  retryDelayInMs: 4 * 1000,
  retryPolicyType: StorageRetryPolicyType.EXPONENTIAL,
  tryTimeoutInMs: undefined // Use server side default timeout strategy

const RETRY_ABORT_ERROR = new AbortError("The operation was aborted.");

 * Retry policy with exponential retry and linear retry implemented.
 * @class RetryPolicy
 * @extends {BaseRequestPolicy}
export class StorageRetryPolicy extends BaseRequestPolicy {
   * RetryOptions.
   * @private
   * @type {RetryOptions}
   * @memberof StorageRetryPolicy
  private readonly retryOptions: StorageRetryOptions;
github Azure / azure-sdk-for-js / sdk / storage / storage-queue / src / policies / StorageRetryPolicy.ts View on Github external
* Linear retry. Retry time delay grows linearly.

// Default values of StorageRetryOptions
const DEFAULT_RETRY_OPTIONS: StorageRetryOptions = {
  maxRetryDelayInMs: 120 * 1000,
  maxTries: 4,
  retryDelayInMs: 4 * 1000,
  retryPolicyType: StorageRetryPolicyType.EXPONENTIAL,
  secondaryHost: "",
  tryTimeoutInMs: 30 * 1000 //

const RETRY_ABORT_ERROR = new AbortError("The operation was aborted.");

 * Retry policy with exponential retry and linear retry implemented.
 * @class RetryPolicy
 * @extends {BaseRequestPolicy}
export class StorageRetryPolicy extends BaseRequestPolicy {
   * RetryOptions.
   * @private
   * @type {RetryOptions}
   * @memberof StorageRetryPolicy
  private readonly retryOptions: StorageRetryOptions;
github Azure / azure-sdk-for-js / sdk / eventhub / event-hubs / src / receiver.ts View on Github external
receive(onMessage: OnMessage, onError: OnError, abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike): ReceiveHandler {
    const baseConsumer = this._baseConsumer!;

    if (typeof onMessage !== "function") {
      throw new TypeError("The parameter 'onMessage' must be of type 'function'.");
    if (typeof onError !== "function") {
      throw new TypeError("The parameter 'onError' must be of type 'function'.");

    // return immediately if the abortSignal is already aborted.
    if (abortSignal && abortSignal.aborted) {
      onError(new AbortError("The receive operation has been cancelled by the user."));
      // close this receiver when user triggers a cancellation.
      this.close().catch(() => {}); // no-op close error handler
      return new ReceiveHandler(baseConsumer);

    const wrappedOnError = (error: Error) => {
      // ignore retryable errors
      if ((error as MessagingError).retryable) {

        "[%s] Since the error is not retryable, we let the user know about it by calling the user's error handler.",


Microsoft Azure SDK for JavaScript - Aborter

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