Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
function generateEnums(enums?: ChoiceSchema[]): string {
let text = '';
for (const enm of values(enums)) {
if (HasDescription(enm.language.go!)) {
text += `${comment(enm.language.go!.name, '// ')} - ${enm.language.go!.description}\n`;
text += `type ${enm.language.go!.name} ${enm.choiceType.language.go!.name}\n\n`;
enm.choices.sort((a: ChoiceValue, b: ChoiceValue) => { return SortAscending(a.language.go!.name, b.language.go!.name); });
const vals = new Array();
text += 'const (\n'
for (const val of values(enm.choices)) {
if (HasDescription(val.language.go!)) {
text += `\t${comment(val.language.go!.name, '// ')} - ${val.language.go!.description}\n`;
text += `\t${val.language.go!.name} ${enm.language.go!.name} = "${val.value}"\n`;
text += ")\n\n"
text += `func ${enm.language.go!.possibleValuesFunc}() []${enm.language.go!.name} {\n`;
text += `\treturn []${enm.language.go!.name}{${joinComma(vals, (item: string) => item)}}\n`;
text += '}\n\n';
text(): string {
let text = '';
if (HasDescription(this.Language)) {
text += `${comment(this.Language.description, '// ')}\n`;
text += `type ${} struct {\n`;
for (const prop of values(this.Properties)) {
if (HasDescription(prop.language.go!)) {
text += `\t${comment(prop.language.go!.description, '// ')}\n`;
text += `\t${prop.language.go!.name} ${prop.schema.language.go!.name}\n`;
text += '}\n\n';
if (this.Language.errorType) {
text += `func new${}(resp *azcore.Response) error {\n`;
text += `\terr := ${}{}\n`;
text += `\tif err := resp.UnmarshalAsJSON(&err); err != nil {\n`;
text += `\t\treturn err\n`;
text += `\t}\n`;
text += '\treturn err\n';
function generateEnums(enums?: ChoiceSchema[]): string {
let text = '';
for (const enm of values(enums)) {
if (HasDescription(enm.language.go!)) {
text += `${comment(enm.language.go!.name, '// ')} - ${enm.language.go!.description}\n`;
text += `type ${enm.language.go!.name} ${enm.choiceType.language.go!.name}\n\n`;
enm.choices.sort((a: ChoiceValue, b: ChoiceValue) => { return SortAscending(a.language.go!.name, b.language.go!.name); });
const vals = new Array();
text += 'const (\n'
for (const val of values(enm.choices)) {
if (HasDescription(val.language.go!)) {
text += `\t${comment(val.language.go!.name, '// ')} - ${val.language.go!.description}\n`;
text += `\t${val.language.go!.name} ${enm.language.go!.name} = "${val.value}"\n`;
text += ")\n\n"
text += `func ${enm.language.go!.possibleValuesFunc}() []${enm.language.go!.name} {\n`;
text += `\treturn []${enm.language.go!.name}{${joinComma(vals, (item: string) => item)}}\n`;
text += '}\n\n';
return text;
export async function generateEnums(session: Session): Promise {
const enums = getEnums(session.model.schemas);
if (enums.length === 0) {
// no enums to generate
return '';
let text = await contentPreamble(session);
for (const enm of values(enums)) {
if (enm.desc) {
text += `${comment(, '/// ')} - ${enm.desc}\n`;
text += `public enum ${}: ${enm.type} {\n`;
const vals = new Array();
for (const val of values(enm.choices)) {
if (hasDescription(val.language.go!)) {
text += `\t${comment(val.language.go!.name, '// ')} - ${val.language.go!.description}\n`;
text += `\tcase ${val.language.go!.name} = "${val.value}"\n`;
// Add any enum funcs
// text += `func ${enm.funcName}() []${} {\n`;
// text += `\treturn []${}{\t\n`;
// for (const val of values(vals)) {
// text += `\t\t${val},\n`;
// }
export async function generateEnums(session: Session): Promise {
const enums = getEnums(session.model.schemas);
if (enums.length === 0) {
// no enums to generate
return '';
let text = await contentPreamble(session);
for (const enm of values(enums)) {
if (enm.desc) {
text += `${comment(, '/// ')} - ${enm.desc}\n`;
text += `public enum ${}: ${enm.type} {\n`;
const vals = new Array();
for (const val of values(enm.choices)) {
if (hasDescription(val.language.go!)) {
text += `\t${comment(val.language.go!.name, '// ')} - ${val.language.go!.description}\n`;
text += `\tcase ${val.language.go!.name} = "${val.value}"\n`;
// Add any enum funcs
// text += `func ${enm.funcName}() []${} {\n`;
// text += `\treturn []${}{\t\n`;
// for (const val of values(vals)) {
// text += `\t\t${val},\n`;
// }
// text += '\t}\n';
// text += '}\n\n';
// text += `func (c ${}) ToPtr() *${} {\n`;
// text += '\treturn &c\n';
text += '}\n\n';
text += `${comment(enm.language.go!.name, '// ')} - ${enm.language.go!.description}\n`;
text += `type ${enm.language.go!.name} ${enm.choiceType.language.go!.name}\n\n`;
enm.choices.sort((a: ChoiceValue, b: ChoiceValue) => { return SortAscending(a.language.go!.name, b.language.go!.name); });
const vals = new Array();
text += 'const (\n'
for (const val of values(enm.choices)) {
if (HasDescription(val.language.go!)) {
text += `\t${comment(val.language.go!.name, '// ')} - ${val.language.go!.description}\n`;
text += `\t${val.language.go!.name} ${enm.language.go!.name} = "${val.value}"\n`;
text += ")\n\n"
text += `func ${enm.language.go!.possibleValuesFunc}() []${enm.language.go!.name} {\n`;
text += `\treturn []${enm.language.go!.name}{${joinComma(vals, (item: string) => item)}}\n`;
text += '}\n\n';
return text;
export async function protocolGen(host: Host) {
const debug = await host.GetValue('debug') || false;
try {
// get the code model from the core
const session = await startSession(host, codeModelSchema);
const namespace = await session.getValue('namespace');
const operations = await generateOperations(session);
// output the model to the pipeline. this must happen after all model
// updates are complete and before any source files are written.
host.WriteFile('code-model-v4.yaml', serialize(session.model), undefined, 'code-model-v4');
for (const op of values(operations)) {
host.WriteFile(`internal/${namespace}/${}.go`, op.content, undefined, 'source-file-go');
const enums = await generateEnums(session);
if (enums.length > 0) {
host.WriteFile(`internal/${namespace}/enums.go`, enums, undefined, 'source-file-go');
const models = await generateModels(session);
host.WriteFile(`internal/${namespace}/models.go`, models, undefined, 'source-file-go');
const timeHelpers = await generateTimeHelpers(session);
for (const helper of values(timeHelpers)) {
host.WriteFile(`internal/${namespace}/${}.go`, helper.content, undefined, 'source-file-go');
export async function protocolGen(host: Host) {
const debug = await host.GetValue('debug') || false;
try {
// get the code model from the core
const session = await startSession(host, codeModelSchema);
const operations = await generateOperations(session);
let filePrefix = await session.getValue('file-prefix', '');
// if a file prefix was specified, ensure it's properly snaked
if (filePrefix.length > 0 && filePrefix[filePrefix.length - 1] !== '_') {
filePrefix += '_';
// output the model to the pipeline. this must happen after all model
// updates are complete and before any source files are written.
host.WriteFile('code-model-v4.yaml', serialize(session.model), undefined, 'code-model-v4');
for (const op of values(operations)) {
host.WriteFile(`${filePrefix}${}.swift`, op.content, undefined, 'source-file-swift');
const enums = await generateEnums(session);
if (enums.length > 0) {
host.WriteFile(`${filePrefix}enums.swift`, enums, undefined, 'source-file-swift');
const models = await generateModels(session);
host.WriteFile(`${filePrefix}models.swift`, models, undefined, 'source-file-swift');
const client = await generateClient(session);
host.WriteFile(`${filePrefix}client.swift`, client, undefined, 'source-file-swift');
text += 'func DefaultClientOptions() ClientOptions {\n';
text += '\treturn ClientOptions{\n';
text += '\t\tHTTPClient: azcore.DefaultHTTPClientTransport(),\n';
text += '\t\tRetry: azcore.DefaultRetryOptions(),\n';
text += '\t}\n';
text += '}\n\n';
// Client
if ( {
text += `// Client - ${}\n`;
text += 'type Client struct {\n';
text += `\t${urlVar} *url.URL\n`;
text += `\t${pipelineVar} azcore.Pipeline\n`;
for (const op of values(session.model.operationGroups)) {
text += `\t${camelCase(op.language.go!.clientName)} ${op.language.go!.clientName}\n`;
text += '}\n\n';
const endpoint = getDefaultEndpoint(session.model.globalParameters);
if (endpoint) {
text += '// DefaultEndpoint is the default service endpoint.\n';
text += `const DefaultEndpoint = "${endpoint}"\n\n`;
text += '// NewDefaultClient creates an instance of the Client type using the DefaultEndpoint.\n';
text += 'func NewDefaultClient(options *ClientOptions) (*Client, error) {\n';
text += '\treturn NewClient(DefaultEndpoint, options)\n';
text += '}\n\n';
text += '// NewClient creates an instance of the Client type with the specified endpoint.\n';
text += 'func NewClient(endpoint string, options *ClientOptions) (*Client, error) {\n';
text += '\tif options == nil {\n';
const getErrorResponseSchema = () => {
const schema = errorSchema;
const response = new SchemaResponse(schema);
response.protocol = {
http: {
knownMediaType: KnownMediaType.Json,
statusCodes: ["default"],
mediaTypes: "application/json"
} as any
return response;
const get200ResponseSchema = (schema: Schema) => {