How to use the @aws-cdk/core.Lazy.anyValue function in @aws-cdk/core

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @aws-cdk/core examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / aws-cloudformation / lib / nested-stack.ts View on Github external
super(scope, id, { env: { account: parentStack.account, region: parentStack.region } });

    // @deprecate: remove this in v2.0 (redundent)
    const parentScope = new Construct(scope, id + '.NestedStack');

    Object.defineProperty(this, NESTED_STACK_SYMBOL, { value: true });

    // this is the file name of the synthesized template file within the cloud assembly
    this.templateFile = `${this.node.uniqueId}.nested.template.json`;

    this.parameters = props.parameters || {};

    this.resource = new CfnStack(parentScope, `${id}.NestedStackResource`, {
      templateUrl: this.templateUrl,
      parameters: Lazy.anyValue({ produce: () => Object.keys(this.parameters).length > 0 ? this.parameters : undefined }),
      notificationArns: props.notifications ? => n.topicArn) : undefined,
      timeoutInMinutes: props.timeout ? props.timeout.toMinutes() : undefined,

    this.nestedStackResource = this.resource;

    // context-aware stack name: if resolved from within this stack, return AWS::StackName
    // if resolved from the outer stack, use the { Ref } of the AWS::CloudFormation::Stack resource
    // which resolves the ARN of the stack. We need to extract the stack name, which is the second
    // component after splitting by "/"
    this._contextualStackName = this.contextualAttribute(Aws.STACK_NAME,, Fn.split('/', this.resource.ref)));
    this._contextualStackId = this.contextualAttribute(Aws.STACK_ID, this.resource.ref);
github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / aws-codepipeline / lib / pipeline.ts View on Github external
new kms.Alias(this, 'ArtifactsBucketEncryptionKeyAlias', {
        aliasName: this.generateNameForDefaultBucketKeyAlias(),
        targetKey: encryptionKey,
        removalPolicy: RemovalPolicy.DESTROY, // destroy the alias along with the key
    this.artifactBucket = propsBucket;

    // If a role has been provided, use it - otherwise, create a role.
    this.role = props.role || new iam.Role(this, 'Role', {
      assumedBy: new iam.ServicePrincipal('')

    const codePipeline = new CfnPipeline(this, 'Resource', {
      artifactStore: Lazy.anyValue({ produce: () => this.renderArtifactStoreProperty() }),
      artifactStores: Lazy.anyValue({ produce: () => this.renderArtifactStoresProperty() }),
      stages: Lazy.anyValue({ produce: () => this.renderStages() }),
      roleArn: this.role.roleArn,
      restartExecutionOnUpdate: props && props.restartExecutionOnUpdate,
      name: this.physicalName,

    // this will produce a DependsOn for both the role and the policy resources.

    this.pipelineName = this.getResourceNameAttribute(codePipeline.ref);
    this.pipelineVersion = codePipeline.attrVersion;
    this.crossRegionBucketsPassed = !!props.crossRegionReplicationBuckets;

    for (const [region, replicationBucket] of Object.entries(props.crossRegionReplicationBuckets || {})) {
      this._crossRegionSupport[region] = {
github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / aws-ecs / lib / ec2 / ec2-service.ts View on Github external
: (props.propagateTags !== undefined ? props.propagateTags : PropagatedTagSource.NONE);

    super(scope, id, {
      // If daemon, desiredCount must be undefined and that's what we want. Otherwise, default to 1.
      desiredCount: props.daemon || props.desiredCount !== undefined ? props.desiredCount : 1,
      maxHealthyPercent: props.daemon && props.maxHealthyPercent === undefined ? 100 : props.maxHealthyPercent,
      minHealthyPercent: props.daemon && props.minHealthyPercent === undefined ? 0 : props.minHealthyPercent,
      launchType: LaunchType.EC2,
      propagateTags: propagateTagsFromSource,
      enableECSManagedTags: props.enableECSManagedTags,
      cluster: props.cluster.clusterName,
      taskDefinition: props.taskDefinition.taskDefinitionArn,
      placementConstraints: Lazy.anyValue({ produce: () => this.constraints }, { omitEmptyArray: true }),
      placementStrategies: Lazy.anyValue({ produce: () => this.strategies }, { omitEmptyArray: true }),
      schedulingStrategy: props.daemon ? 'DAEMON' : 'REPLICA',
    }, props.taskDefinition);

    this.constraints = [];
    this.strategies = [];
    this.daemon = props.daemon || false;

    if (props.taskDefinition.networkMode === NetworkMode.AWS_VPC) {
      this.configureAwsVpcNetworking(props.cluster.vpc, props.assignPublicIp, props.vpcSubnets, props.securityGroup);
    } else {
      // Either None, Bridge or Host networking. Copy SecurityGroup from ASG.
github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / aws-ec2 / lib / security-group.ts View on Github external
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: SecurityGroupProps) {
    super(scope, id, {
      physicalName: props.securityGroupName

    const groupDescription = props.description || this.node.path;

    this.allowAllOutbound = props.allowAllOutbound !== false;

    this.securityGroup = new CfnSecurityGroup(this, 'Resource', {
      groupName: this.physicalName,
      securityGroupIngress: Lazy.anyValue({ produce: () => this.directIngressRules}, { omitEmptyArray: true} ),
      securityGroupEgress: Lazy.anyValue({ produce: () => this.directEgressRules }, { omitEmptyArray: true} ),
      vpcId: props.vpc.vpcId,

    this.securityGroupId = this.securityGroup.attrGroupId;
    this.securityGroupVpcId = this.securityGroup.attrVpcId;
    this.securityGroupName = this.securityGroup.ref;

github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / aws-ecs / lib / base / base-service.ts View on Github external
private evaluateHealthGracePeriod(providedHealthCheckGracePeriod?: Duration): IResolvable {
    return Lazy.anyValue({
      produce: () => providedHealthCheckGracePeriod !== undefined ? providedHealthCheckGracePeriod.toSeconds() :
                     this.loadBalancers.length > 0 ? 60 :
github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / aws-events / lib / rule.ts View on Github external
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: RuleProps = { }) {
    super(scope, id, {
      physicalName: props.ruleName,
    this.description = props.description;

    const resource = new CfnRule(this, 'Resource', {
      name: this.physicalName,
      description: this.description,
      state: props.enabled == null ? 'ENABLED' : (props.enabled ? 'ENABLED' : 'DISABLED'),
      scheduleExpression: Lazy.stringValue({ produce: () => this.scheduleExpression }),
      eventPattern: Lazy.anyValue({ produce: () => this.renderEventPattern() }),
      targets: Lazy.anyValue({ produce: () => this.renderTargets() }),

    this.ruleArn = this.getResourceArnAttribute(resource.attrArn, {
      service: 'events',
      resource: 'rule',
      resourceName: this.physicalName,

    this.scheduleExpression = props.schedule && props.schedule.expressionString;

    for (const target of props.targets || []) {
github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / aws-cognito / lib / user-pool.ts View on Github external
if (props.lambdaTriggers) {
      for (const t of Object.keys(props.lambdaTriggers)) {
        const trigger = props.lambdaTriggers[t];
        if (trigger !== undefined) {
          this.addLambdaPermission(trigger as lambda.IFunction, t);
          (this.triggers as any)[t] = (trigger as lambda.IFunction).functionArn;

    const userPool = new CfnUserPool(this, 'Resource', {
      userPoolName: this.physicalName,
      autoVerifiedAttributes: props.autoVerifiedAttributes,
      lambdaConfig: Lazy.anyValue({ produce: () => this.triggers })

    this.userPoolId = this.getResourceNameAttribute(userPool.ref);
    this.userPoolArn = this.getResourceArnAttribute(userPool.attrArn, {
      service: 'cognito',
      resource: 'userpool',
      resourceName: this.physicalName,

    this.userPoolProviderName = userPool.attrProviderName;
    this.userPoolProviderUrl = userPool.attrProviderUrl;
github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / aws-eks / lib / aws-auth.ts View on Github external
private synthesizeMapRoles() {
    return Lazy.anyValue({
      produce: () => this.stack.toJsonString( => ({
        rolearn: m.role.roleArn,
        username: m.mapping.username,
        groups: m.mapping.groups
github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / aws-s3 / lib / bucket.ts View on Github external
physicalName: props.bucketName,

    const { bucketEncryption, encryptionKey } = this.parseEncryption(props);


    const resource = new CfnBucket(this, 'Resource', {
      bucketName: this.physicalName,
      versioningConfiguration: props.versioned ? { status: 'Enabled' } : undefined,
      lifecycleConfiguration: Lazy.anyValue({ produce: () => this.parseLifecycleConfiguration() }),
      websiteConfiguration: this.renderWebsiteConfiguration(props),
      publicAccessBlockConfiguration: props.blockPublicAccess,
      metricsConfigurations: Lazy.anyValue({ produce: () => this.parseMetricConfiguration() }),
      corsConfiguration: Lazy.anyValue({ produce: () => this.parseCorsConfiguration() }),
      accessControl: props.accessControl,


    this.versioned = props.versioned;
    this.encryptionKey = encryptionKey;

    this.bucketName = this.getResourceNameAttribute(resource.ref);
    this.bucketArn = this.getResourceArnAttribute(resource.attrArn, {
      region: '',
      account: '',
      service: 's3',
      resource: this.physicalName,