How to use @aws-cdk/aws-sns-subscriptions - 7 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @aws-cdk/aws-sns-subscriptions examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github duo-labs / cloudtrail-partitioner / lib / cloudtrail_partitioner-stack.js View on Github external
logRetention: logs.RetentionDays.TWO_WEEKS,
      timeout: cdk.Duration.seconds(30),
      memorySize: 128,
      environment: {
        "ALARM_SNS": config['alarm_sns_arn']

    // Add priv to publish the events so the alarms can be forwarded
    alarm_forwarder.addToRolePolicy(new iam.PolicyStatement({
      resources: [config['alarm_sns_arn']],
      actions: ['sns:Publish']

    // Connect the SNS to the Lambda
    sns_topic.addSubscription(new sns_subscription.LambdaSubscription(alarm_forwarder));
github duo-labs / cloudmapper / auditor / lib / cloudmapperauditor-stack.js View on Github external
logRetention: logs.RetentionDays.TWO_WEEKS,
      timeout: cdk.Duration.seconds(30),
      memorySize: 128,
      environment: {
        "ALARM_SNS": config['alarm_sns_arn']

    // Add priv to publish the events so the alarms can be forwarded
    alarm_forwarder.addToRolePolicy(new iam.PolicyStatement({
      resources: [config['alarm_sns_arn']],
      actions: ['sns:Publish']

    // Connect the SNS to the Lambda
    sns_topic.addSubscription(new sns_subscription.LambdaSubscription(alarm_forwarder));
github deepalert / deepalert / lib / deepalert-stack.ts View on Github external
timeToLiveAttribute: "expires_at",

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
    // Messaging Channels
    this.alertTopic = new sns.Topic(this, "alertTopic");
    this.taskTopic = new sns.Topic(this, "taskTopic");
    this.contentTopic = new sns.Topic(this, "contentTopic");
    this.attributeTopic = new sns.Topic(this, "attributeTopic");
    this.reportTopic = new sns.Topic(this, "reportTopic");

    const alertQueueTimeout = cdk.Duration.seconds(30);
    this.alertQueue = new sqs.Queue(this, "alertQueue", {
      visibilityTimeout: alertQueueTimeout,
    this.alertTopic.addSubscription(new SqsSubscription(this.alertQueue));

    const contentQueueTimeout = cdk.Duration.seconds(30);
    this.contentQueue = new sqs.Queue(this, "contentQueue", {
      visibilityTimeout: contentQueueTimeout,

    const attributeQueueTimeout = cdk.Duration.seconds(30);
    this.attributeQueue = new sqs.Queue(this, "attributeQueue", {
      visibilityTimeout: attributeQueueTimeout,

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
    // Lambda Functions
    const baseEnvVars = {
      TASK_TOPIC: this.taskTopic.topicArn,
      REPORT_TOPIC: this.reportTopic.topicArn,
github cloudcomponents / cdk-components / packages / cdk-codepipeline-slack / src / slack-approval-action.ts View on Github external
const approvalRequester = new Function(
                runtime: Runtime.NODEJS_10_X,
                handler: 'lib/approval-requester.handler',
                code: Code.asset(
                    path.join(__dirname, '..', 'lambda', ''),

        const topic = new Topic(scope, 'SlackApprovalTopic');
        topic.addSubscription(new LambdaSubscription(approvalRequester));

        const approvalHandler = new Function(
                runtime: Runtime.NODEJS_10_X,
                handler: 'lib/approval-handler.handler',
                code: Code.fromAsset(
                    path.join(__dirname, '..', 'lambda', ''),

        const api = new RestApi(scope, 'SlackApprovalApi');
github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / aws-autoscaling-hooktargets / lib / lambda-hook.ts View on Github external
public bind(scope: Construct, lifecycleHook: autoscaling.ILifecycleHook): autoscaling.LifecycleHookTargetConfig {
    const topic = new sns.Topic(scope, 'Topic');
    topic.addSubscription(new subs.LambdaSubscription(this.fn));
    return new TopicHook(topic).bind(scope, lifecycleHook);
github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / aws-lambda-event-sources / lib / sns.ts View on Github external
public bind(target: lambda.IFunction) {
    this.topic.addSubscription(new subs.LambdaSubscription(target));
github aws / aws-cdk / packages / @aws-cdk / aws-codepipeline-actions / lib / manual-approval-action.ts View on Github external
protected bound(scope: cdk.Construct, _stage: codepipeline.IStage, options: codepipeline.ActionBindOptions):
      codepipeline.ActionConfig {
    if (this.props.notificationTopic) {
      this._notificationTopic = this.props.notificationTopic;
    } else if ((this.props.notifyEmails || []).length > 0) {
      this._notificationTopic = new sns.Topic(scope, 'TopicResource');

    if (this._notificationTopic) {
      for (const notifyEmail of this.props.notifyEmails || []) {
        this._notificationTopic.addSubscription(new subs.EmailSubscription(notifyEmail));

    return {
      configuration: this._notificationTopic
        ? {
          NotificationArn: this._notificationTopic.topicArn,
          CustomData: this.props.additionalInformation,
        : undefined,


CDK Subscription Constructs for AWS SNS

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