How to use @automattic/format-currency - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @automattic/format-currency examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Automattic / wp-calypso / client / components / tinymce / plugins / simple-payments / dialog / form.jsx View on Github external
const renderPriceField = ( { price, currency, ...props } ) => {
	const { precision } = getCurrencyDefaults( currency.input.value );
	// Tune the placeholder to the precision value: 0 -> '1', 1 -> '1.0', 2 -> '1.00'
	const placeholder = precision > 0 ? padEnd( '1.', precision + 2, '0' ) : '1';
	return (
github Automattic / wp-calypso / client / extensions / woocommerce / woocommerce-services / views / shipping-label / label-purchase-modal / rates-step / index.js View on Github external

	const packageIds = Object.keys( selectedRates );

	// Show the service name and cost when only one service/package exists
	if ( 1 === packageIds.length ) {
		const packageId = packageIds[ 0 ];
		const selectedRate = selectedRates[ packageId ];
		const packageRates = get( availableRates, [ packageId, 'rates' ], [] );
		const rateInfo = find( packageRates, [ 'service_id', selectedRate ] );

		if ( rateInfo ) {
			return translate( '%(serviceName)s: %(rate)s', {
				args: {
					serviceName: rateInfo.title,
					rate: formatCurrency( rateInfo.rate, 'USD' ),
			} );

		return '';

	// Otherwise, just show the total
	return translate( 'Total rate: %(total)s', {
		args: {
			total: formatCurrency( total, 'USD' ),
	} );
github Automattic / wp-calypso / packages / jetpack-blocks / src / blocks / simple-payments / edit.js View on Github external
getCurrencyList = value => {
		const { symbol } = getCurrencyDefaults( value );
		// if symbol is equal to the code (e.g., 'CHF' === 'CHF'), don't duplicate it.
		// trim the dot at the end, e.g., 'kr.' becomes 'kr'
		const label = symbol === value ? value : `${ value } ${ trimEnd( symbol, '.' ) }`;
		return { value, label };
	} );
github Automattic / vip-go-mu-plugins-built / jetpack / extensions / blocks / simple-payments / edit.js View on Github external
getCurrencyList = value => {
		const { symbol } = getCurrencyDefaults( value );
		// if symbol is equal to the code (e.g., 'CHF' === 'CHF'), don't duplicate it.
		// trim the dot at the end, e.g., 'kr.' becomes 'kr'
		const label = symbol === value ? value : `${ value } ${ trimEnd( symbol, '.' ) }`;
		return { value, label };
	} );
github Automattic / jetpack / extensions / blocks / simple-payments / edit.js View on Github external
getCurrencyList = value => {
		const { symbol } = getCurrencyDefaults( value );
		// if symbol is equal to the code (e.g., 'CHF' === 'CHF'), don't duplicate it.
		// trim the dot at the end, e.g., 'kr.' becomes 'kr'
		const label = symbol === value ? value : `${ value } ${ trimEnd( symbol, '.' ) }`;
		return { value, label };
	} );
github Automattic / wp-calypso / client / components / tinymce / plugins / simple-payments / dialog / form.jsx View on Github external
const VISUAL_CURRENCY_LIST = code => {
	const { symbol } = getCurrencyDefaults( code );
	// if symbol is equal to the code (e.g., 'CHF' === 'CHF'), don't duplicate it.
	// trim the dot at the end, e.g., 'kr.' becomes 'kr'
	const label = symbol === code ? code : `${ code } ${ trimEnd( symbol, '.' ) }`;
	return { code, label };
} );
github Automattic / wp-calypso / client / my-sites / feature-upsell / themes-upsell.jsx View on Github external
formatPrice( price ) {
		const priceObject = getCurrencyObject( price, this.props.currencyCode );
		if ( price.toFixed( 5 ).split( '.' )[ 1 ] !== '00000' ) {
			return `${ priceObject.symbol }${ priceObject.integer }${ priceObject.fraction }`;
		return `${ priceObject.symbol }${ priceObject.integer }`;
github Automattic / wp-calypso / client / my-sites / feature-upsell / store-upsell.jsx View on Github external
renderPrice() {
		if ( this.props.price === null ) {
			return null;
		const priceObject = getCurrencyObject( this.props.price, this.props.currencyCode );
		let price = `${ priceObject.symbol }${ priceObject.integer }`;
		if ( this.props.price.toFixed( 5 ).split( '.' )[ 1 ] !== '00000' ) {
			price += priceObject.fraction;
		return price;
github Automattic / wp-calypso / client / my-sites / feature-upsell / plugins-upsell.jsx View on Github external
formatPrice( price ) {
		const priceObject = getCurrencyObject( price, this.props.currencyCode );
		if ( price.toFixed( 5 ).split( '.' )[ 1 ] !== '00000' ) {
			return `${ priceObject.symbol }${ priceObject.integer }${ priceObject.fraction }`;
		return `${ priceObject.symbol }${ priceObject.integer }`;
github Automattic / wp-calypso / client / my-sites / feature-upsell / ads-upsell.jsx View on Github external
renderPrice() {
		if ( this.props.price === null ) {
			return null;
		const priceObject = getCurrencyObject( this.props.price, this.props.currencyCode );
		let price = `${ priceObject.symbol }${ priceObject.integer }`;
		if ( this.props.price.toFixed( 5 ).split( '.' )[ 1 ] !== '00000' ) {
			price += priceObject.fraction;
		return price;


JavaScript library for formatting currency.

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