How to use the @atomist/automation-client/graph/graphQL.subscription function in @atomist/automation-client

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @atomist/automation-client examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github atomist / sdm / src / handlers / events / delivery / goals / RequestDownstreamGoalsOnGoalSuccess.ts View on Github external
} from "../../../../ingesters/sdmGoalIngester";
import { fetchGoalsForCommit } from "../../../../internal/delivery/goals/support/fetchGoalsOnCommit";
import { isGoalRelevant } from "../../../../internal/delivery/goals/support/validateGoal";
import { RepoRefResolver } from "../../../../spi/repo-ref/RepoRefResolver";
import {
} from "../../../../typings/types";

 * Respond to a failure status by failing downstream goals
@EventHandler("Move downstream goals from 'planned' to 'success' when preconditions are met",
export class RequestDownstreamGoalsOnGoalSuccess implements HandleEvent {

    public githubToken: string;

    constructor(private readonly implementationMapper: SdmGoalImplementationMapper,
                private readonly repoRefResolver: RepoRefResolver) { }

    // #98: GitHub Status->SdmGoal: I believe all the goal state updates in this SDM
    // are now happening on the SdmGoal. This subscription can change to be on SdmGoal state.
    public async handle(event: EventFired,
                        context: HandlerContext,
                        params: this): Promise {
        const sdmGoal =[0] as SdmGoal;

        if (!isGoalRelevant(sdmGoal)) {
github atomist / sdm / src / common / delivery / goals / CopyGoalToGitHubStatus.ts View on Github external
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import { EventFired, EventHandler, HandleEvent, HandlerContext, HandlerResult, logger, Success } from "@atomist/automation-client";
import { subscription } from "@atomist/automation-client/graph/graphQL";
import { GitHubRepoRef } from "@atomist/automation-client/operations/common/GitHubRepoRef";
import { forApproval } from "../../../handlers/events/delivery/verify/approvalGate";
import * as GoalEvent from "../../../ingesters/sdmGoalIngester";
import { SdmGoalState } from "../../../ingesters/sdmGoalIngester";
import { OnAnyGoal, StatusState } from "../../../typings/types";
import { createStatus } from "../../../util/github/ghub";
import { fetchProvider } from "../../../util/github/gitHubProvider";

@EventHandler("Copy every SdmGoal to a GitHub Status", subscription({name: "OnAnyGoal"}))
export class CopyGoalToGitHubStatus implements HandleEvent {

    // TODO: @cd why doesn't this work, it doesn't register for the secret
    // @Secret(Secrets.OrgToken)
    // private readonly githubToken: string = process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN;

    public async handle(event: EventFired, context: HandlerContext, params: this): Promise {
        const goal =[0];
        if (!goal.externalKey) {
            logger.debug("No external key on goal %s. Skipping",;
            return Success;

        // Too many updates close together get mixed up.
        // For now, skip in_process updates. Someday we may change this,
        // when it's SdmGoals that are displayed in lifecycle and only some
github atomist / sdm / src / handlers / events / delivery / goals / CopyStatusApprovalToGoal.ts View on Github external
* limitations under the License.

import { EventFired, EventHandler, HandleEvent, HandlerContext, HandlerResult, logger, Success } from "@atomist/automation-client";
import { subscription } from "@atomist/automation-client/graph/graphQL";
import { updateGoal } from "../../../../common/delivery/goals/storeGoals";
import { fetchGoalsForCommit } from "../../../../common/delivery/goals/support/fetchGoalsOnCommit";
import { SdmGoal } from "../../../../ingesters/sdmGoalIngester";
import { OnAnySuccessStatus } from "../../../../typings/types";
import { providerIdFromStatus, repoRefFromStatus } from "../../../../util/git/repoRef";

 * #98: this is temporary, until Lifecycle-automation is changed to mark goals approved
@EventHandler("When Lifecycle marks a status approved, copy that to the goal",
export class CopyStatusApprovalToGoal implements HandleEvent {

    public async handle(event: EventFired,
                        ctx: HandlerContext): Promise {
        const status =[0];

        if (!status.description.includes("approved by ")) {
            logger.debug("not an approval: " + status.description);
            return Success;

        const sdmGoal = (await fetchGoalsForCommit(ctx, repoRefFromStatus(status), providerIdFromStatus(status)))
            .find(sg => sg.externalKey === status.context) as SdmGoal;

        if (!sdmGoal) {
            logger.warn("Goal not found for approval status: %j", status);
github atomist / sdm / src / handlers / events / repo / OnRepoCreation.ts View on Github external
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import { EventFired, EventHandler, HandleEvent, HandlerContext, HandlerResult, Success } from "@atomist/automation-client";
import { subscription } from "@atomist/automation-client/graph/graphQL";
import { AddressNoChannels } from "../../../api/context/addressChannels";
import { RepoCreationListener, RepoCreationListenerInvocation } from "../../../api/listener/RepoCreationListener";
import { CredentialsResolver } from "../../../spi/credentials/CredentialsResolver";
import { RepoRefResolver } from "../../../spi/repo-ref/RepoRefResolver";
import * as schema from "../../../typings/types";

 * A new repo has been created. We don't know if it has code.
@EventHandler("On repo creation", subscription("OnRepoCreation"))
export class OnRepoCreation implements HandleEvent {

    private readonly newRepoActions: RepoCreationListener[];

    constructor(newRepoActions: RepoCreationListener[],
                private readonly repoRefResolver: RepoRefResolver,
                private readonly credentialsFactory: CredentialsResolver) {
        this.newRepoActions = newRepoActions;

    public async handle(event: EventFired,
                        context: HandlerContext,
                        params: this): Promise {
        const repo =[0];
        const id = params.repoRefResolver.toRemoteRepoRef(repo, {});
        const credentials = this.credentialsFactory.eventHandlerCredentials(context, id);
github atomist / sdm / src / handlers / events / delivery / goals / RespondOnGoalCompletion.ts View on Github external
} from "@atomist/automation-client";
import { subscription } from "@atomist/automation-client/graph/graphQL";
import { addressChannelsFor } from "../../../../api/context/addressChannels";
import { GoalCompletionListener, GoalCompletionListenerInvocation } from "../../../../api/listener/GoalsSetListener";
import { SdmGoal } from "../../../../ingesters/sdmGoalIngester";
import { fetchCommitForSdmGoal, fetchGoalsForCommit } from "../../../../internal/delivery/goals/support/fetchGoalsOnCommit";
import { RepoRefResolver } from "../../../../spi/repo-ref/RepoRefResolver";
import { OnAnyCompletedSdmGoal } from "../../../../typings/types";

 * Respond to a failure or success status by running listeners
@EventHandler("Run a listener on goal failure or success", subscription("OnAnyCompletedSdmGoal"))
export class RespondOnGoalCompletion implements HandleEvent {

    public token: string;

    constructor(private readonly repoRefResolver: RepoRefResolver,
                private readonly credentialsFactory: CredentialsResolver,
                private readonly goalCompletionListeners: GoalCompletionListener[]) {

    public async handle(event: EventFired,
                        context: HandlerContext): Promise {
        const sdmGoal: SdmGoal =[0] as SdmGoal;

        if (!isGoalRelevant(sdmGoal)) {
            logger.debug(`Goal ${} skipped because not relevant for this SDM`);
github atomist / sdm / src / handlers / events / issue / ClosedIssueHandler.ts View on Github external
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import { EventFired, EventHandler, HandleEvent, HandlerContext, HandlerResult, Success } from "@atomist/automation-client";
import { subscription } from "@atomist/automation-client/graph/graphQL";
import { addressChannelsFor } from "../../../api/context/addressChannels";
import { ClosedIssueListener, ClosedIssueListenerInvocation } from "../../../api/listener/ClosedIssueListener";
import { CredentialsResolver } from "../../../spi/credentials/CredentialsResolver";
import { RepoRefResolver } from "../../../spi/repo-ref/RepoRefResolver";
import * as schema from "../../../typings/types";

 * A new issue has been created.
@EventHandler("On an issue being closed", subscription("OnClosedIssue"))
export class ClosedIssueHandler implements HandleEvent {

    private readonly closedIssueListeners: ClosedIssueListener[];

    constructor(closedIssueListeners: ClosedIssueListener[],
                private readonly repoRefResolver: RepoRefResolver,
                private readonly credentialsFactory: CredentialsResolver) {
        this.closedIssueListeners = closedIssueListeners;

    public async handle(event: EventFired,
                        context: HandlerContext,
                        params: this): Promise {
        const issue =[0];
        const id = params.repoRefResolver.toRemoteRepoRef(issue.repo, {});
        const credentials = this.credentialsFactory.eventHandlerCredentials(context, id);
github atomist / sdm / src / handlers / events / delivery / goals / FulfillGoalOnRequested.ts View on Github external
constructor(private readonly implementationMapper: SdmGoalImplementationMapper,
                private readonly projectLoader: ProjectLoader,
                private readonly repoRefResolver: RepoRefResolver,
                private readonly credentialsResolver: CredentialsResolver,
                private readonly logFactory: ProgressLogFactory) {
        const implementationName = "FulfillGoal";
        this.subscriptionName = "OnAnyRequestedSdmGoal";
        this.subscription =
            subscription({name: "OnAnyRequestedSdmGoal"}); = implementationName + "OnAnyRequestedSdmGoal";
        this.description = `Fulfill a goal when it reaches 'requested' state`;
github atomist / sdm / src / handlers / events / delivery / code / ReactToSemanticDiffsOnPushImpact.ts View on Github external
import * as _ from "lodash";
import { addressChannelsFor } from "../../../../api/context/addressChannels";
import {
} from "../../../../api/listener/FingerprintDifferenceListener";
import { CredentialsResolver } from "../../../../spi/credentials/CredentialsResolver";
import { RepoRefResolver } from "../../../../spi/repo-ref/RepoRefResolver";
import * as schema from "../../../../typings/types";

 * React to a PushImpact event to react to semantic diffs
@EventHandler("Find semantic diffs from a PushImpact", subscription("OnPushImpact"))
export class ReactToSemanticDiffsOnPushImpact
    implements HandleEvent {

    constructor(private readonly differenceListeners: FingerprintDifferenceListener[],
                private readonly repoRefResolver: RepoRefResolver,
                private readonly credentialsFactory: CredentialsResolver) {

    public async handle(event: EventFired,
                        context: HandlerContext,
                        params: this): Promise {
        const pushImpact =[0];

        const after = pushImpact.push.after;
        const id = params.repoRefResolver.toRemoteRepoRef(after.repo, { sha: after.sha });
github atomist / sdm / src / handlers / events / delivery / verify / OnEndpointStatus.ts View on Github external
export interface EndpointVerificationInvocation extends ListenerInvocation {

     * Reported endpoint base url
    url: string;

export type EndpointVerificationListener = SdmListener;

 * React to an endpoint reported in a GitHub status.
@EventHandler("React to an endpoint",
        name: "OnSuccessStatus",
        variables: {
            context: StagingEndpointContext,
export class OnEndpointStatus implements HandleEvent {

    private githubToken: string;

    constructor(public goal: Goal, private sdm: SdmVerification) {

    public async handle(event: EventFired,
                        context: HandlerContext,
github atomist / sdm / src / handlers / events / delivery / code / ReactToSemanticDiffsOnPushImpact.ts View on Github external
import { subscription } from "@atomist/automation-client/graph/graphQL";
import * as _ from "lodash";
import {
} from "../../../../common/listener/FingerprintDifferenceListener";
import { addressChannelsFor } from "../../../../common/slack/addressChannels";
import * as schema from "../../../../typings/types";
import { toRemoteRepoRef } from "../../../../util/git/repoRef";

 * React to a PushImpact event to react to semantic diffs
@EventHandler("Find semantic diffs from a PushImpact", subscription("OnPushImpact"))
export class ReactToSemanticDiffsOnPushImpact
    implements HandleEvent {

    private readonly githubToken: string;

    constructor(private readonly differenceListeners: FingerprintDifferenceListener[]) {

    public async handle(event: EventFired,
                        context: HandlerContext,
                        params: this): Promise {
        const pushImpact =[0];

        const after = pushImpact.push.after;
        const id = toRemoteRepoRef(after.repo, { sha: after.sha });