How to use @antv/scale - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @antv/scale examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github antvis / G2Plot / src / components / guide-line.ts View on Github external
private _init() {
    const props = this.plot.options;
    const defaultStyle = this._getDefaultStyle();
    const baseConfig = _.mix(defaultStyle, {
      type: 'line',
      top: true,
    }) as any;
    if (this.cfg.type) {
      const stateValue = this._getState(this.cfg.type);
      const minValue = this._getState('min');
      const maxValue = this._getState('max');
      const Scale = getScale('linear');
      // 重新组织scale并使用scale的min和max来计算guide point的百分比位置,以避免受nice的影响
      const scale = new Scale(
            min: minValue,
            max: maxValue,
            nice: true,
      const percent = `${((stateValue - scale.min) / (scale.max - scale.min)) * 100}%`;
      const start = ['0%', percent];
      const end = ['100%', percent];
      this.config = _.mix(
github antvis / G2Plot / src / combo-plots / util / globalAxis.ts View on Github external
function mergeYAxis(axisInfo, synchroTick: boolean) {
  const isSameScale = sameScaleTest(axisInfo);
  // 默认全部采用左轴的tickCount,具体标度对齐逻辑留待以后优化
  const tickCount = axisInfo[0].scale.tickCount;
  const LinearScale = getScale('linear');
  if (!isSameScale) {
    return => {
      const scale = axis.scale;
      const values = calValues(scale, tickCount);
      if (synchroTick) {
        const linearScale: any = new LinearScale({
          min: scale.min,
          max: scale.max,
          ticks: values,
          color: axis.color,
        } as any);
        linearScale.layer = axis.layer;
        return linearScale;
      } else {
        scale.layer = axis.layer;
github antvis / G2 / src / chart / controller / scale.js View on Github external
createScale(field, data) {
    const self = this;
    const def = self._getDef(field);
    let scale;
    const validData = data || [];
    const firstValue = Util.Array.firstValue(validData, field);
    if (Util.isNumber(field) || (Util.isNil(firstValue)) && !def) {
      scale = Scale.identity({
        value: field,
        field: field.toString(),
        values: [ field ]
    } else { // 如果已经定义过这个度量
      let type;
      if (def) {
        type = def.type;
      type = type || self._getDefaultType(field, validData);
      const cfg = self._getScaleCfg(type, field, validData);
      if (def) {
        Util.mix(cfg, def);
      scale = Scale[type](cfg);
github antvis / G2 / test / unit / geom / label / polar-labels-spec.js View on Github external
point.z = 3;
  point._origin = { x: point.z, y: point.y, z: '4' };

  const points1 = [{
    x: 50,
    y: [ 10, 20 ],
    z: [ '1', '2' ],
    _origin: { x: 50, y: [ 10, 20 ], z: [ '1', '2' ] }
  }, {
    x: [ 60, 80 ],
    y: [ 50, 50 ],
    z: [ '3', '4' ],
    _origin: { x: [ 60, 80 ], y: [ 50, 50 ], z: [ '3', '4' ] }
  const labelScale1 ={
    field: 'z',
    values: [[ '1', '2' ], [ '3', '4' ]]
  describe('one point one label', function() {
    let gLabels;
    it('init', function() {
      gLabels = canvas.addGroup(PolarLabels, {
        labelCfg: {
          cfg: {
            offset: 10
          scales: [ labelScale ]
        geomType: 'point'
github antvis / G2 / test / unit / component / guide / html-spec.js View on Github external
describe('Guide: 辅助 html', function() {
  const coord = new Coord.Rect({
    start: { x: 60, y: 460 },
    end: { x: 460, y: 60 }

  const canvas = new Canvas({
    containerId: 'c1',
    width: 500,
    height: 500,
    pixelRatio: 2

  const group = canvas.addGroup();

  const xScale ={
    values: [ '一月', '二月', '三月', '四月', '五月' ]

  const yScale = Scale.linear({
    min: 0,
    max: 1200

  it('guide html, with defaul position(middle, middle)', function() {
    const html = new Html({
      xScales: {
        month: xScale
      yScales: {
        temp: yScale
github antvis / G2 / test / unit / geom / geom-spec.js View on Github external
it('create area', function() {
    scaleA ={
      field: 'a',
      values: [ '1', '2', '3' ],
      range: [ 0.2, 0.8 ]
    geom = new Geom.Area({
      container: group,
      scales: { a: scaleA, b: scaleB, c: scaleC, red: ScaleRed, 10: ScaleTen }
    shapeContainer = geom.get('shapeContainer');
github antvis / G2 / test / unit / component / guide / arc-spec.js View on Github external
start: { x: 60, y: 460 },
    end: { x: 460, y: 60 },
    startAngle: -9 / 8 * Math.PI,
    endAngle: 1 / 8 * Math.PI

  const canvas = new Canvas({
    containerId: 'arc-spec',
    width: 500,
    height: 500,
    pixelRatio: 2

  const group = canvas.addGroup();

  const xScale ={
    values: [ '一月', '二月', '三月', '四月', '五月' ]

  const yScale = Scale.linear({
    min: 0,
    max: 1200

  it('guide arc', function() {
    const arc = new Arc({
      xScales: {
        month: xScale
      yScales: {
        temp: yScale
github antvis / G2 / test / unit / geom / geom-spec.js View on Github external
describe('test geom interval', function() {
  const data = [
      { a: '1', b: 2, c: '1' },
      { a: '2', b: 5, c: '1' },
      { a: '3', b: 4, c: '1' },

      { a: '1', b: 3, c: '2' },
      { a: '2', b: 1, c: '2' },
      { a: '3', b: 2, c: '2' }

  scaleA ={
    field: 'a',
    values: [ '1', '2', '3' ],
    range: [ 0.2, 0.8 ]

  const group = canvas.addGroup();
  const geom = new Geom.Interval({
    container: group,
    scales: { a: scaleA, b: scaleB, c: scaleC, red: ScaleRed, 10: ScaleTen }
  const shapeContainer = geom.get('shapeContainer');
  it('draw interval', function() {
github antvis / G2 / test / unit / component / guide / region-spec.js View on Github external
describe('Guide: 辅助背景框', function() {
  const coord = new Coord.Rect({
    start: { x: 60, y: 460 },
    end: { x: 460, y: 60 }

  const canvas = new Canvas({
    containerId: 'c1',
    width: 500,
    height: 500,
    pixelRatio: 2

  const group = canvas.addGroup();

  const xScale ={
    values: [ '一月', '二月', '三月', '四月', '五月' ]

  const yScale = Scale.linear({
    min: 0,
    max: 1200

  it('guide region', function() {
    const region = new Region({
      xScales: {
        month: xScale
      yScales: {
        temp: yScale
github antvis / G2 / test / unit / component / guide / html-spec.js View on Github external

  const canvas = new Canvas({
    containerId: 'c1',
    width: 500,
    height: 500,
    pixelRatio: 2

  const group = canvas.addGroup();

  const xScale ={
    values: [ '一月', '二月', '三月', '四月', '五月' ]

  const yScale = Scale.linear({
    min: 0,
    max: 1200

  it('guide html, with defaul position(middle, middle)', function() {
    const html = new Html({
      xScales: {
        month: xScale
      yScales: {
        temp: yScale
      position: {
        month: 3,
        temp: 600


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