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export function createControlForType(controlConfig: AnyFieldConfig, value: any) {
// build form control out based on the control type
const control = controlConfig.controlType === ControlType.GROUP
? buildFormGroupFromConfig(controlConfig as FormConfig, value)
: controlConfig.controlType === ControlType.GROUP_LIST
? new FormArray([], (controlConfig as FormGroupListConfig).validators)
: new FormControl(
isRealValue(value) ? value : null,
(controlConfig as DynamicFieldConfig).validators || null
// if it was a GROUP_LIST and it had initial values passed in, add the values to the form array
if (controlConfig.controlType === ControlType.GROUP_LIST && Array.isArray(value)) {
value.forEach( item => {
(control as FormArray).push( createControlForType((controlConfig as FormGroupListConfig).itemConfig, item));
return control;
private patchArrayValue(update: any[], options: { onlySelf?: boolean, emitEvent?: boolean }) {
const updateIsSameSize = update.length === (this.control as FormArray).length;
const serializesEqually = () => JSON.stringify(update) === JSON.stringify(this.control.value);
const shouldNotEmit = options.emitEvent === false;
// This solves a problem that
if (updateIsSameSize && shouldNotEmit && serializesEqually()) {
if (!updateIsSameSize) {
const ctrlArr = Array.apply(null, Array(update.length)).map(() => this.makeControlForArray());
this.control = new FormArray(ctrlArr);
this.readonly ? this.control.disable(options) : this.control.enable(options);
this.control.setValue(update, options);
ngOnInit() {
this.pickerForm ={
headers: new FormArray( => new FormControl(true)), noEmpty()),
type: ['all', Validators.required],
length: ['']
}, { validator: rowValidator( })
save(confirmationPassword?: string) {
const fullForm = new FormGroup({
user: this.user,
createLandLinePhones: new FormArray(this.createLandLinePhones),
modifyLandLinePhones: new FormArray(this.modifyLandLinePhones),
createMobilePhones: new FormArray(this.createMobilePhones),
modifyMobilePhones: new FormArray(this.modifyMobilePhones),
createAddresses: new FormArray(this.createAddresses),
modifyAddresses: new FormArray(this.modifyAddresses),
createContactInfos: new FormArray(this.createContactInfos),
modifyContactInfos: new FormArray(this.modifyContactInfos)
if (!confirmationPassword && this.confirmationPassword) {
fullForm.setControl('confirmationPassword', this.confirmationPassword);
confirmationPassword = this.confirmationPassword.value;
if (!validateBeforeSubmit(fullForm)) {
user: this.param,
confirmationPassword: confirmationPassword,
body: this.editForSubmit()
}).subscribe(() => {
buildForm() {
//Create a custom Validator function for the defenses array
function hasDefenses( formArray: FormArray) {
let valid = false;
for( let c in formArray.controls ) {
if( formArray.controls[c].value == true ) { valid = true }
return valid == true ? null : { 'noDefenses': { 'noDefenses': true, 'message': 'Chapter must have at least one defense.' } }
//Construct and populate the defenses FormArray outside of the FormBuilder so we can populate it dynamically
this.defenseBoxArray = new FormArray( [], hasDefenses );
for( let d in this.defenseArray ) {
this.defenseBoxArray.push( new FormControl(( this.chapter.defenses.indexOf( this.defenseArray[d].id ) > -1 )))
this.form = {
'name': [,
{ minLength: { minLength: 4, message: 'The name must be at least 4 characters.' } }
'guild': [
this.applyRules( this.chapter, 'guild' )
createForm(question: Question) {
const answersFA: FormArray = super.createDefaultForm(question);
let fcs: FormControl[] = => {
const fc = new FormControl(tag);
return fc;
if (fcs.length === 0) {
fcs = [new FormControl('')];
const tagsFA = new FormArray(fcs);
this.questionForm ={
category: [(question.categories.length > 0 ? question.categories[0] : ''), Validators.required],
questionText: [question.questionText,
Validators.compose([Validators.required, Validators.maxLength(this.applicationSettings.question_max_length)])],
tags: '',
tagsArray: tagsFA,
answers: answersFA,
ordered: [question.ordered],
explanation: [question.explanation]
}, { validator: questionFormValidator }
let fgs: FormGroup[] = => {
let fg = new FormGroup({
answerText: new FormControl(answer.answerText, Validators.required),
correct: new FormControl(answer.correct),
return fg;
let answersFA = new FormArray(fgs);
let fcs: FormControl[] = => {
let fc = new FormControl(tag);
return fc;
if (fcs.length == 0)
fcs = [new FormControl('')];
let tagsFA = new FormArray(fcs);
this.questionForm ={
category: [(question.categories.length > 0 ? question.categories[0] : ''), Validators.required],
questionText: [question.questionText, Validators.required],
tags: '',
tagsArray: tagsFA,
answers: answersFA,
ordered: [question.ordered],
explanation: [question.explanation]
}, { validator: questionFormValidator }
export const IndicatorForm = () => {
return new FormGroup({
name: new FormControl('', Validators.required),
description: new FormControl(),
labels: new FormArray([]),
pattern: new FormControl('', Validators.required),
created_by_ref: new FormControl('', Validators.required),
valid_from: new FormControl(new Date(), Validators.required),
valid_until: new FormControl(),
object_marking_refs: new FormControl([]),
external_references: new FormArray([]),
kill_chain_phases: new FormArray([]),
x_mitre_data_sources: new FormControl([]),
metaProperties: new FormGroup({
observedData: new FormArray([]),
additional_queries: new FormArray([]),
relationships: new FormControl([]),
queries: new FormGroup({
carElastic: new FormGroup({
query: new FormControl(''),
include: new FormControl(true)
carSplunk: new FormGroup({
query: new FormControl(''),
include: new FormControl(true)
cimSplunk: new FormGroup({
query: new FormControl(''),
include: new FormControl(true)
validStixPattern: new FormControl(false),
constructor(private service: AbstractRegisteredService) {
properties: new FormArray([])
const props = new FormArray([]);
if ( {
for (let i = 0; i < Array.from(Object.keys(; i++) {
props.push(new FormGroup({
key: new MgmtFormControl(null, null, Validators.required),
value: new MgmtFormControl(null, null, Validators.required)
this.setControl('properties', props);