Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
public async handle () {
const rcContents = await getRcContents(this.projectRoot)
if (!rcContents) {
this.logger.error('Make sure your project root has .adonisrc.json file to continue')
try {
const app = new Application(this.projectRoot, {} as any, rcContents, {})
await executeInstructions(this.projectName, this.projectRoot, app)
} catch (error) {
this.logger.error(`Unable to execute instructions for ${this.projectName} package`)`Sink version: ${sinkVersion}`)
const task: TaskFn = async (absPath, application, state) => {
let instructionsError: Error | null = null
* Executing instructions in sequence. Do not convert this block to
* parallel execution, since two instructions touching the same
* file may lead to race conditions.
try {
for (let pkg of Object.keys(packages[state.boilerplate])) {
await executeInstructions(pkg, absPath, application)
} catch (error) {
instructionsError = error
* Print logs and filter out duplicate one's
logger.resumeLogger((message) => {
if (LOG_MESSAGES.has(message.message as string) && message.action !== 'fatal') {
return false
LOG_MESSAGES.add(message.message as string)
return true