How to use the @actions/github.GitHub function in @actions/github

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @actions/github examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github peter-evans / slash-command-dispatch / src / index.js View on Github external
// Filter matching commands by whether or not to allow edits
    if (github.context.payload.action == "edited") {
      configMatches = configMatches.filter(function(cmd) {
        return cmd.allow_edits;
      core.debug(`Config matches on 'allow_edits': ${inspect(configMatches)}`);
      if (configMatches.length == 0) {
          `Command '${commentWords[0]}' is not configured to allow edits.`

    // Set octokit clients
    const octokit = new github.GitHub(inputs.token);
    const reactionOctokit = inputs.reactionToken
      ? new github.GitHub(inputs.reactionToken)
      : new github.GitHub(inputs.token);

    // At this point we know the command is registered
    // Add the "eyes" reaction to the comment
    if (inputs.reactions)
      await addReaction(

    // Get the actor permission
    const actorPermission = await getActorPermission(
github peter-evans / slash-command-dispatch / src / index.js View on Github external
configMatches = configMatches.filter(function(cmd) {
        return cmd.allow_edits;
      core.debug(`Config matches on 'allow_edits': ${inspect(configMatches)}`);
      if (configMatches.length == 0) {
          `Command '${commentWords[0]}' is not configured to allow edits.`

    // Set octokit clients
    const octokit = new github.GitHub(inputs.token);
    const reactionOctokit = inputs.reactionToken
      ? new github.GitHub(inputs.reactionToken)
      : new github.GitHub(inputs.token);

    // At this point we know the command is registered
    // Add the "eyes" reaction to the comment
    if (inputs.reactions)
      await addReaction(

    // Get the actor permission
    const actorPermission = await getActorPermission(
github lekterable / inclusive-organization-action / index.js View on Github external
const run = async () => {
  try {
    const organization = core.getInput('organization', { required: true })
    const teamName = core.getInput('team')
    const comment = core.getInput('comment')
    const { ACCESS_TOKEN } = process.env

    if (!ACCESS_TOKEN)
      return core.setFailed('ENV required and not supplied: ACCESS_TOKEN')

    const { payload, sha } = github.context
    const { repository } = payload
    const octokit = new github.GitHub(ACCESS_TOKEN)

    const commit = await octokit.git.getCommit({
      owner: repository.owner.login,
      commit_sha: sha

    const isMergeCommit = > 1
    if (!isMergeCommit) return

    const {
      data: [pullRequest]
    } = await octokit.repos.listPullRequestsAssociatedWithCommit({
      owner: repository.owner.login,
      commit_sha: sha
github actions / github-script / src / main.ts View on Github external
async function main() {
  const AsyncFunction = Object.getPrototypeOf(async () => {}).constructor
  const token = core.getInput('github-token', {required: true})
  const debug = core.getInput('debug')
  const userAgent = core.getInput('user-agent')
  const previews = core.getInput('previews')
  const opts: {[key: string]: any} = {}
  if (debug === 'true') opts.log = console
  if (userAgent != null) opts.userAgent = userAgent
  if (previews != null) opts.previews = previews.split(',')
  const client = new GitHub(token, opts)
  const script = core.getInput('script', {required: true})
  const fn = new AsyncFunction('require', 'github', 'context', script)
  const result = await fn(require, client, context)

  let encoding = core.getInput('result-encoding')
  encoding = encoding ? encoding : 'json'

  let output

  switch (encoding) {
    case 'json':
      output = JSON.stringify(result)
    case 'string':
      output = String(result)
github svenstaro / upload-release-action / src / main.ts View on Github external
async function run() {
    try {
        const token = core.getInput('repo_token', { required: true });
        const file = core.getInput('file', { required: true });
        const asset_name = core.getInput('asset_name', { required: true });
        const tag = core.getInput('tag', { required: true }).replace("refs/tags/", "");
        const overwrite = core.getInput('overwrite');

        if (!fs.existsSync(file)) {
            core.setFailed(`File ${file} wasn't found.`);

        const octokit = new github.GitHub(token);
        const context = github.context;

        const release = await get_release_by_tag(tag, octokit, context);
        await upload_to_release(release, file, asset_name, tag, overwrite, octokit, context);
    } catch (error) {
github r-lib / actions / goodpractice / src / main.ts View on Github external
async function run() {
  try {
    const token: string = core.getInput("repo-token", { required: true });

    const octokit = new github.GitHub(token);

    const context = github.context;

    const check = await octokit.checks.create({
      name: "goodpractice",
      head_sha: context.sha,
      status: "in_progress"

    await exec.exec("Rscript", [
      "x <- goodpractice::goodpractice()",
      'capture.output(print(x), file = ".goodpractice")'
github johnbillion / user-switching / .github / workflows / changelog.js View on Github external
async function run() {
	const api = new github.GitHub(myToken);

	const { data: releases } = await api.repos.listReleases( github.context.repo );

	let published = releases.filter( release =>
		! release.draft && ! release.prerelease

	let sorted = published.sort( ( a, b ) =>
		semver.rcompare( semver.coerce( a.tag_name ), semver.coerce( b.tag_name ) )

	let changelog = sorted.reduce( ( changelog, release ) =>

### ${release.tag_name} ###
github Flexget / webui / scripts / deployment.js View on Github external
async function run() {
  const { repo, ref } = context;
  const { repos } = new GitHub(proces.env.GITHUB_TOKEN);

  try {
    await repos.createDeployment({
      ref: ref.slice(11),
  } catch(err) {
    setFailed(`Action failed with err ${err}`);
github Flexget / webui / .github / actions / skip-deployment / index.js View on Github external
async function run() {
  const myToken = getInput('token');

  const { repo, ref } = context;
  const { checks } = new GitHub(myToken);
  try {
    const { data } = await checks.listSuitesForRef({
    const check = data.check_suites.find((s) => ( === 'github-actions' && s.status === 'completed'
    if (!check || check.conclusion !== 'success') {
      setOutput('skip', 'true');
      setFailed(`Skipping deployment because tests failed to pass`);

    info('Not skipping deployment');
    setOutput('skip', 'false');


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