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getMakerFeeAmount(order: Order, makerFillAmount: BigNumber): BigNumber {
// Round down because Maker fee rate favors Maker
const makerFeeAmount = makerFillAmount
return makerFeeAmount;
getRemainingMakerAmount(order: SignedOrder, remainingTakerAmount: BigNumber): BigNumber {
const remainingMakerAmount = remainingTakerAmount
return remainingMakerAmount;
// given a desired amount of makerAsset, calculate how much takerAsset is required to fill that amount
getMakerFillAmount(order: SignedOrder, takerFillAmount: BigNumber): BigNumber {
// Round down because exchange rate favors Maker
const makerFillAmount = takerFillAmount
return makerFillAmount;
// given a desired amount of makerAsset, calculate how much fee is required by the maker to fill that amount
getMakerFillAmount(order: Order, takerFillAmount: BigNumber): BigNumber {
// Round down because exchange rate favors Maker
const makerFillAmount = takerFillAmount
return makerFillAmount;
// Calculate min of balance & allowance of maker's makerAsset -> translate into takerAsset amount
const maxMakerAssetFillAmount = BigNumber.min(traderInfo.makerBalance, traderInfo.makerAllowance);
const maxTakerAssetFillAmountGivenMakerConstraints = orderCalculationUtils.getTakerFillAmount(
// Calculate min of balance & allowance of taker's Fee -> translate into takerAsset amount
if (!signedOrder.takerFee.eq(0)) {
const takerFeeAvailable = BigNumber.min(traderInfo.takerFeeBalance, traderInfo.takerFeeAllowance);
const maxTakerAssetFillAmountGivenTakerFeeConstraints = takerFeeAvailable
// Calculate min of balance & allowance of maker's Fee -> translate into takerAsset amount
if (!signedOrder.makerFee.eq(0)) {
const makerFeeAvailable = BigNumber.min(traderInfo.makerFeeBalance, traderInfo.makerFeeAllowance);
const maxTakerAssetFillAmountGivenMakerFeeConstraints = makerFeeAvailable
const remainingTakerAssetFillAmount = signedOrder.takerAssetAmount.minus(orderInfo.orderTakerAssetFilledAmount);
getPartialAmountFloor(numerator: BigNumber, denominator: BigNumber, target: BigNumber): BigNumber {
const partialAmount = numerator
return partialAmount;
createFill: (signedOrder: SignedOrder, takerAssetFillAmount?: BigNumber) => {
export const getTotalBalancesString = (tally: TallyInterface = ZERO_TALLY): string => {
const bigNumberFormat = {
decimalSeparator: '.',
groupSeparator: ',',
groupSize: 3,
secondaryGroupSize: 0,
fractionGroupSeparator: ' ',
fractionGroupSize: 0,
const { yes, no } = tally;
const totalBalance =;
const totalBalanceString = Web3Wrapper.toUnitAmount(totalBalance, constants.DECIMAL_PLACES_ETH).toFormat(
return totalBalanceString;
public render(): React.ReactNode {
const { isOpen, onDismiss, zeipId } = this.props;
const { isSuccessful, selectedAddress, currentBalance, isErrorModalOpen, errorMessage } = this.state;
const bigNumberFormat = {
decimalSeparator: '.',
groupSeparator: ',',
groupSize: 3,
secondaryGroupSize: 0,
fractionGroupSeparator: ' ',
fractionGroupSize: 0,
const formattedBalance = Web3Wrapper.toUnitAmount(currentBalance, constants.DECIMAL_PLACES_ETH).toFormat(
return (
Vote Received!
public render(): React.ReactNode {
const { votePreference, errors, isSuccessful, isAwaitingLedgerSignature } = this.state;
const { currentBalance, selectedAddress, zeipId } = this.props;
const bigNumberFormat = {
decimalSeparator: '.',
groupSeparator: ',',
groupSize: 3,
secondaryGroupSize: 0,
fractionGroupSeparator: ' ',
fractionGroupSize: 0,
const formattedBalance = Web3Wrapper.toUnitAmount(currentBalance, constants.DECIMAL_PLACES_ETH).toFormat(
return (
ZEIP-{zeipId} Vote
Make sure you are informed to the best of your ability before casting your vote. It will have
lasting implications for the 0x ecosystem.
const takerToken = this.props.tokenByAddress[takerTokenAddress];
const orderTakerAmount = this.state.parsedOrder.signedOrder.takerAssetAmount;
const orderMakerAmount = this.state.parsedOrder.signedOrder.makerAssetAmount;
const takerAssetToken = {
amount: orderTakerAmount.minus(this.state.unavailableTakerAmount),
symbol: takerToken.symbol,
const fillToken = this.props.tokenByAddress[takerTokenAddress];
const makerTokenAddress = assetDataUtils.decodeERC20AssetData(this.state.parsedOrder.signedOrder.makerAssetData)
const makerToken = this.props.tokenByAddress[makerTokenAddress];
const makerAssetToken = {
amount: orderMakerAmount
symbol: makerToken.symbol,
const fillAssetToken = {
amount: this.props.orderFillAmount,
symbol: takerToken.symbol,
const parsedOrderExpiration = this.state.parsedOrder.signedOrder.expirationTimeSeconds;
let orderReceiveAmount = 0;
if (this.props.orderFillAmount !== undefined) {
const orderReceiveAmountBigNumber = orderMakerAmount
orderReceiveAmount = this._formatCurrencyAmount(orderReceiveAmountBigNumber, makerToken.decimals);