How to use the pygeodesy.units.Lat function in pygeodesy

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x = lon - _cmlon(z)  # z before Norway/Svaldbard
    if abs(x) > _UTM_ZONE_OFF_MAX:
        t = ' '.join((_outside_, _UTM_, _zone_, str(z), 'by', degDMS(x, prec=6)))
        raise RangeError(lon=degDMS(lon), txt=t)

    if B == 'X':  # and 0 <= int(lon) < 42: z = int(lon + 183) // 6 + 1
        x = {32: 9, 34: 21, 36: 33}.get(z, None)
        if x:  # Svalbard
            z += 1 if lon >= x else -1
    elif B == 'V' and z == 31 and lon >= 3:
        z += 1  # SouthWestern Norway

    if cmoff:  # lon off central meridian
        lon -= _cmlon(z)  # z after Norway/Svaldbard
    return Zone(z), Band(B), Lat(lat), Lon(lon)
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lon = lon * _Tile + _index(_DegChar, g, 2)
        lat = lat * _Tile + _index(_DegChar, g, 3)
        m, p = 6, precision - 1
        for i in range(_BaseLen, _BaseLen + p):
            lon = _digit(lon, g, i,     m)
            lat = _digit(lat, g, i + p, m)
            u *= m
            m  = _Base
        u *= _Tile

    if center:
        lon = lon * 2 + 1
        lat = lat * 2 + 1
        u *= 2
    u = _Tile / u
    r = LatLonPrec3Tuple(Lat(lat * u, Error=WGRSError),
                         Lon(lon * u, Error=WGRSError), precision)
    return _xnamed(r, nameof(georef))
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def _2fllh(lat, lon, height=None):
    '''(INTERNAL) Convert lat, lon, height.
    # lat, lon = parseDMS2(lat, lon)
    return (Lat(lat, Error=WGRSError),
            Lon(lon, Error=WGRSError), height)
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           @arg lat: Latitude of the location (C{degrees90}).
           @arg lon: Longitude of the location (C{degrees180}).
           @kwarg name: Optional name for the location (C{str}).

           @return: An L{Azimuthal7Tuple}C{(x, y, lat, lon, azimuth, scale,
                    datum)} with C{x} and C{y} in C{meter} and C{lat} and
                    C{lon} in C{degrees}.  The C{scale} of the projection
                    is C{1} in I{radial} direction, C{azimuth} clockwise
                    from true North and is C{1 / reciprocal} in the
                    direction perpendicular to this.

           @see: Method L{EquidistantKarney.reverse}.  A call to C{.forward}
                 followed by a call to C{.reverse} will return the original
                 C{lat, lon} to within roundoff.
        r = self.geodesic.Inverse(self.lat0, self.lon0, Lat(lat), Lon(lon), self._mask)
        x, y = sincos2d(r.azi1)
        t = Azimuthal7Tuple(x * r.s12, y * r.s12, r.lat2, r.lon2, r.azi2, self._1_rk(r), self.datum)
        return _xnamed(t, name or
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       @note: The returned C{height} is C{None} if B{C{lat}} or B{C{lon}} is
              invalid or outside the C{Conterminous US (CONUS)}, if the
              B{C{model}} was invalid, if conversion failed or if the
              query timed out.  The C{error} is the C{HTTP-, IO-, SSL-,
              Type-, URL-} or C{ValueError} as a string (C{str}).

       @see: U{NOAA National Geodetic Survey
             U{}, module
             L{geoids}, classes L{GeoidG2012B}, L{GeoidKarney} and
        j = _qURL('',
                        ('%s=%.6F' % (_lat_, Lat(lat)),
                         '%s=%.6F' % (_lon_, Lon(lon)),
                         '%s=%s' % ('model', model) if model else NN),
                          timeout=Scalar(timeout, name=_timeout_))  # PYCHOK indent
        if j[:1] == '{' and j[-1:] == '}' and j.find('"error":') > 0:
            d, e = _json(j), 'geoidHeight'
            if isinstance(_xkwds_get(d, error=_n_a_), float):
                h = d.get(e, None)
                if h is not None:
                    m = _xkwds_get(d, geoidModel=_n_a_)
                    return GeoidHeight2Tuple(h, m)
            e = 'JSON'
        e = 'no %s "%s"' % (e, clips(j, limit=256, white=_SPACE_))
    except (HTTPError, IOError, ParseError, TypeError, ValueError) as x:
        e = repr(x)
    e = _error(geoidHeight2, lat, lon, e)
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def Rlat(self, lat):
        '''Approximate the earth radius at the given latitude.

           @arg lat: Latitude (C{degrees90}).

           @return: Approximate earth radius (C{meter}).

           @raise ValueError: Invalid B{C{lat}}.
        if self._ab_90 is None:
            self._ab_90 = (self.a - self.b) / 90.0
        # r = major - (major - minor) * |lat| / 90
        r = self.a
        if lat:
            r -= self._ab_90 * min(abs(Lat(lat, clip=0)), 90)
        return Radius(r, name=Ellipsoid.Rlat.__name__)
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g, precision = _2garstr2(garef)

    lon = _ll(_Digits,  g,       0, _LonLen, 1, 720) + _LonOrig_M1_1
    lat = _ll(_Letters, g, _LonLen, _MinLen, 0, 359) + _LatOrig_M1
    if precision > 0:
        lon, lat = _ll2(lon, lat, g, _MinLen, _M2)
        if precision > 1:
            lon, lat = _ll2(lon, lat, g, _MinLen + 1, _M3)

    if center:  # ll = (ll * 2 + 1) / 2
        lon += 0.5
        lat += 0.5

    r = _Resolutions[precision]  # == 1.0 / unit
    r = LatLonPrec3Tuple(Lat(lat * r, Error=GARSError),
                         Lon(lon * r, Error=GARSError), precision)
    return _xnamed(r, nameof(garef))
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def rescale0(self, lat, scale0=_K0):
        '''Set the central scale factor for this UPS projection.

           @arg lat: Northern latitude (C{degrees}).
           @arg scale0: UPS k0 scale at B{C{lat}} latitude (C{scalar}).

           @raise RangeError: If B{C{lat}} outside the valid range
                              and L{rangerrors} set to C{True}.

           @raise UPSError: Invalid B{C{scale}}.
        s0 = Scalar_(scale0, Error=UPSError, name='scale0', low=EPS)  # <= 1.003 or 1.0016?
        u  = toUps8(abs(Lat(lat)), 0, datum=self.datum, Ups=_UpsK1)
        k  = s0 / u.scale
        if self.scale0 != k:
            self._band = NN  # force re-compute
            self._latlon = self._epsg = self._mgrs = self._utm = None
            self._scale0 = Scalar(k)