How to use the pygeodesy.basics.EPS function in pygeodesy

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    def toLatLon(self, LatLon=None, eps=EPS, unfalse=True, **LatLon_kwds):
        '''Convert this UTM coordinate to an (ellipsoidal) geodetic point.

           @kwarg LatLon: Optional, ellipsoidal class to return the
                          geodetic point (C{LatLon}) or C{None}.
           @kwarg eps: Optional convergence limit, L{EPS} or above
           @kwarg unfalse: Unfalse B{C{easting}} and B{C{northing}}
                           if falsed (C{bool}).
           @kwarg LatLon_kwds: Optional, additional B{C{LatLon}} keyword
                               arguments, ignored if B{C{LatLon=None}}.

           @return: This UTM coordinate (B{C{LatLon}}) or if B{C{LatLon}}
                    is C{None}, a L{LatLonDatum5Tuple}C{(lat, lon, datum,
                    convergence, scale)}.

           @raise TypeError: If B{C{LatLon}} is not ellipsoidal.
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def rescale0(self, lat, scale0=_K0):
        '''Set the central scale factor for this UPS projection.

           @arg lat: Northern latitude (C{degrees}).
           @arg scale0: UPS k0 scale at B{C{lat}} latitude (C{scalar}).

           @raise RangeError: If B{C{lat}} outside the valid range
                              and L{rangerrors} set to C{True}.

           @raise UPSError: Invalid B{C{scale}}.
        s0 = Scalar_(scale0, Error=UPSError, name='scale0', low=EPS)  # <= 1.003 or 1.0016?
        u  = toUps8(abs(Lat(lat)), 0, datum=self.datum, Ups=_UpsK1)
        k  = s0 / u.scale
        if self.scale0 != k:
            self._band = NN  # force re-compute
            self._latlon = self._epsg = self._mgrs = self._utm = None
            self._scale0 = Scalar(k)
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B{C{radius}} or C{degrees} if B{C{radius}} is C{None}).
           @arg high: Latitudinal box height (C{meter}, same units as
                      B{C{radius}} or C{degrees} if B{C{radius}} is C{None}).
           @kwarg radius: Mean earth radius (C{meter}).

           @return: A L{Bounds2Tuple}C{(latlonSW, latlonNE)}, the
                    lower-left and upper-right corner (C{LatLon}).

           @see: U{}
        w = Scalar_(wide, name='wide') * 0.5
        h = Scalar_(high, name='high') * 0.5
        if radius is not None:
            r = Radius_(radius)
            c = cos(self.phi)
            if c > EPS:
                w = degrees(asin(w / r) / c)
                w = 0  # XXX
            h = degrees(h / r)
        w, h = abs(w), abs(h)

        r = Bounds2Tuple(self.classof( - h, self.lon - w, height=self.height),
                         self.classof( + h, self.lon + w, height=self.height))
        return self._xnamed(r)
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def _k_t(c):
            t = c > EPS
            if t:
                k = 1 / c
                k = 1
            return k, t
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>>> geohash.encode(52.205, 0.119,   7)  # 'u120fxw'
       >>> geohash.encode(52.205, 0.119,  12)  # 'u120fxwshvkg'
       >>> geohash.encode(52.205, 0.1188, 12)  # 'u120fxws0jre'
       >>> geohash.encode(52.205, 0.1188)      # 'u120fxw'
       >>> geohash.encode(     0, 0)           # 's00000000000'
    lat, lon = _2fll(lat, lon)

    if precision is None:
        # Infer precision by refining geohash until
        # it matches precision of supplied lat/lon.
        for p in range(1, _MaxPrec + 1):
            gh = encode(lat, lon, p)
            ll = map2(float, decode(gh))
            if abs(lat - ll[0]) < EPS and \
               abs(lon - ll[1]) < EPS:
                return gh
        p = _MaxPrec
        p = Precision_(precision, Error=GeohashError, low=1, high=_MaxPrec)

    s, w, n, e = _Bounds4

    b = i = 0
    d, gh = True, []

    while len(gh) < p:
        i += i
        if d:  # bisect longitude
            m = favg(e, w)
            if lon < m:
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is C{None}, a L{LatLonDatum5Tuple}C{(lat, lon, datum,
                    convergence, scale)}.

           @raise TypeError: If B{C{LatLon}} is not ellipsoidal.

           @raise UPSError: Invalid meridional radius or H-value.
        if self._latlon and self._latlon_args == unfalse:
            return self._latlon5(LatLon)

        E = self.datum.ellipsoid  # XXX vs LatLon.datum.ellipsoid

        x, y = self.to2en(falsed=not unfalse)

        r = hypot(x, y)
        t = (r / (2 * self.scale0 * E.a / E.es_c)) if r > 0 else EPS**2
        t = E.es_tauf((1 / t - t) * 0.5)
        if self._pole == _N_:
            a, b, c = atan(t), atan2(x, -y), 1
            a, b, c = -atan(t), atan2(x, y), -1

        a, b = degrees90(a), degrees180(b)
        if not self._band:
            self._band = _Band(a, b)
        if not self._hemisphere:
            self._hemisphere = _hemi(a)

        ll = _LLEB(a, b, datum=self._datum,
        ll._convergence = b * c  # gamma
        ll._scale = _scale(E, r, t) if r > 0 else self.scale0
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def _ordedup(ts, lo=EPS, hi=PI2-EPS):
    # clip, order and remove duplicates
    p, ks = 0, []
    for k in sorted(max(lo, min(hi, t)) for t in ts):
        if k > p:
            p = k
    return ks
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def clipedges(self):  # yield clip edge index
        # and set self._x1, ._y1, ._dx, ._dy and
        # ._xy for each non-null clip edge
        c2 = self._cs[self._nc - 1]
        for e in range(self._nc):
            c1, c2 = c2, self._cs[e]
            self._y1, self._dy =, float( -
            self._x1, self._dx = c1.lon, float(c2.lon - c1.lon)
            if abs(self._dx) > EPS or abs(self._dy) > EPS:
                self._xy = self._y1 * self._dx - self._x1 * self._dy
                yield e + 1
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A0 = E.A * getattr(Utm, '_scale0', _K0)  # Utm is class or None

    K = _Kseries(E.AlphaKs, x, y)  # Krüger series
    y = K.ys(y) * A0  # ξ
    x = K.xs(x) * A0  # η

    # convergence: Karney 2011 Eq 23, 24
    p_ =
    q_ = K.qs(0)
    c = degrees(atan(T_ / hypot1(T_) * tan(b)) + atan2(q_, p_))

    # scale: Karney 2011 Eq 25
    k = E.e2s(sin(a)) * T12 / H * (A0 / E.a * hypot(p_, q_))

    return _toXtm8(Utm, z, lat, x, y,
                        B, d, c, k, f, name, latlon, EPS)