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processResponse(res, async () => {
const choices: any = {}
// tslint:disable-next-line:forin
for (const i in {
choices[i] =[i].id
let choiceText = ""
for (const [i, slug] of Object.entries(choices)) {
choiceText += `${i}) ${slug}\n`
const chose = await promptly.choose(
`Select organization to move to:
Enter a number:`,
const orgSlug = choices[chose]
console.log(`Moving app '${appName}' to organization '${orgSlug}'`)
const resUpdate = await API.patch(`/api/v1/apps/${appName}`, {
data: {
attributes: {
org_slug: orgSlug
processResponse(resUpdate, () => {
// Must display network cost if provided, not doing so would be hiding costs
const networkCost = minerFee / Math.pow(10, decimals);
const usdCost = networkCost * getExchangeRate(chain, 'USD');
console.log(`${index++}. ${chain} ${round(estimatedAmount * Math.pow(10, -decimals), decimals)} - (Network Cost: $${round(usdCost, 2)})`);
if (unavailable.length) {
console.log(`There are ${unavailable.length} additional options that this wallet does not support or for which you do not have sufficient balance:`);
for (let { chain, estimatedAmount, decimals } of unavailable) {
console.log(`- ${chain} ${estimatedAmount * Math.pow(10, -decimals)}`);
choice = await promptly.choose('What payment method would you like to use?', choices);
choice = paymentOptions.responseData.paymentOptions[choice - 1];
let rpcConfig = config.rpcServers[choice.chain];
rpcUrl = `http://${rpcConfig.ipAddress}:${rpcConfig.port}`;
rpcUser = rpcConfig.username;
rpcPass = rpcConfig.password;
const { responseData: paymentRequest } = await client.selectPaymentOption(paymentOptions.requestUrl, choice.chain, choice.currency);
* Wallet creates a transaction matching data in the instructions
// Format outputs as expected for bitcoin rpc client
let outputObject = {};
.then((ipType) => {
newcfg.ipv = ipType;
return promptly.choose(
`Region - ${serverInfo.regPrompt} ${msg5}`,
{ default: region, validator: regValidator },
.then((reg) => {
import promptly from 'promptly';
import { promisify } from 'bluebird';
export const choose = promisify(promptly.choose);
export const confirm = promisify(promptly.confirm);
export const prompt = promisify(promptly.prompt);
getconfig((cfgAll) => {
const msg1 = && !== 'testnet' ? ` (Existing: ${}):` : ':';
`Enter the node type - secure or super ${msg1}`,
['secure', 'super'],
{ default:, validator: typeValidator },
.then((ntype) => {
newcfg.nodetype = ntype;
let cfg = {};
if (cfgAll.cfgOld) {
newcfg.nodeid = cfgAll.cfgOld.nodeid;
cfg = cfgAll.cfgOld;
} else if ( === ntype) {
cfg = cfgAll[ntype];
if (cfg.nodeid) newcfg.nodeid = cfg.nodeid;
getSetupInfo(init.servers[ntype], (err, serverInfo) => {