Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
writeFile = promisify(FS.writeFile),
SVGO = require('../svgo.js'),
YAML = require('js-yaml'),
PKG = require('../../package.json'),
encodeSVGDatauri = require('./tools.js').encodeSVGDatauri,
decodeSVGDatauri = require('./tools.js').decodeSVGDatauri,
regSVGFile = /\.svg$/,
noop = () => {},
* Command-Option-Argument.
* @see
module.exports = require('coa').Cmd()
.act(function() {
// output the version to stdout instead of stderr if returned
process.stdout.write(PKG.version + '\n');
// coa will run `.toString` on the returned value and send it to stderr
return '';
m: "max_preserve_newlines",
j: "jslint_happy",
a: "space_after_anon_function",
b: "brace_style",
k: "keep_array_indentation",
// no such cli flag in js-beautifier
K: "keep_function_indentation",
// no such cli flag in js-beautifier
A: "no_space_before_conditional",
B: "break_chained_methods",
x: "unescape_strings",
w: "wrap_line_length",
n: "end_with_newline"
var cmd = module.exports = require('coa').Cmd();
function addBeautfierOpts(cmd) {
Object.keys(js_beautifier_opts).forEach(function (o) {
var NAME = js_beautifier_opts[o],
FLAG = (typeof js_beatufier_defaults[NAME]) === 'boolean',
LONG = NAME.replace(/_/g,'-'),
DEF = js_beatufier_defaults[NAME],
TITLE = '(default: ' + DEF + ')';
var result = cmd.opt().name(NAME).title(TITLE)
if (FLAG)
return result.flag().end();
return result.val(function (v) {
var coa = require('coa');
var pkg = require('./package.json');
var formatter = require('.');
module.exports = coa.Cmd()
.act(function() {
// output the version to stdout instead of stderr if returned
process.stdout.write(pkg.version + '\n');
// coa will run `.toString` on the returned value and send it to stderr
return '';
var PATH = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');
var util = require('./util');
module.exports = require('coa').Cmd()
.title('Borschik. Extendable builder for text-based file formats.')
.name('version') .title('Version')
.act(function() { return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(PATH.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'package.json'))).version })
.name('tech') .title('Technology')
// Give ability for external technologies to has its own options without conflicts with borschik
if (DEBUG) {
else {
var bundling = beautify_bundling(mega.bundling);
output.write('exports.bundling = ' + JSON.stringify(bundling) + ';');
exports.get_bundling = get_bundling;
exports.COA = require('coa').Cmd()
.title('Bundler. It is better for you to not know what it is.')
.title('file cost, default: 10')
.title('kb cost, default: 2')
exports.main = function () {
var util = require('util'),
fs = require('fs'),
q = require('q');
.title('Shmakowiki command line utility')
.title('Show version')
.act(function(opts) {
return JSON.parse(require('fs').readFileSync(__dirname + '/../package.json'))
'use strict';
var path = require('path'),
extend = require('extend'),
pkg = require('../package.json'),
main = require('./hub').main;
module.exports = require('coa').Cmd()
.title('Port to listen')
.title('Host to listen')
.title('Hub config')
#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict';
var gulp = require('gulp')
.title('Bower package(s) to use. Multiple packages can be defined with: package="foo bar" or package=foo,bar')
.name('Java directory')
.title('Directory where the Java files are generated. (Default: src/main/java)')
.name('Resources directory')
.title('Directory where the Resource files are generated. (Default: src/main/resources)')
var COA = exports.COA = require('coa').Cmd()
.act(function(opts) {
return JSON.parse(require('fs').readFileSync(__dirname + '/../package.json')).version;
.name('input').title('Input file (default: stdin)')
function beautifiersOpt() {
.name('beautifiers').title('Local or global path to beautifier module, can be used many times')
.val(function(b) {
return typeof b == 'string'
? require(b.match(/^\./) ? require('path').resolve(b) : b).KrasotaJS
: b
var COA = exports.COA = require('coa').Cmd()
.act(function(opts) {
return JSON.parse(require('fs').readFileSync(__dirname + '/../package.json')).version;
.name('input').title('Input file (default: stdin)')