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export const SimpleCardRow = NamedFC('SimpleCardRow', ({ label: givenLabel, content, rowKey, contentClassName }) => {
const contentStyling = css(styles.instanceListRowContent, contentClassName);
return (
const createListItem = (icon: JSX.Element, label: string, content: string | JSX.Element, contentClassName?: string) => (
<span aria-hidden="true">
public render(): JSX.Element {
const showContent = this.state.showContent;
let iconName = this.iconNameUp;
let content = null;
if (showContent) {
iconName = this.iconNameDown;
content = <div>{this.props.content}</div>;
return (
let todayDateString: string = '';
let selectedDateString: string = '';
if (dateTimeFormatter && strings!.todayDateFormatString) {
todayDateString = format(strings!.todayDateFormatString, dateTimeFormatter.formatMonthDayYear(today!, strings!));
if (dateTimeFormatter && strings!.selectedDateFormatString) {
selectedDateString = format(strings!.selectedDateFormatString, dateTimeFormatter.formatMonthDayYear(selectedDate!, strings!));
const selectionAndTodayString = selectedDateString + ', ' + todayDateString;
return (
<div aria-label="{selectionAndTodayString}">
<div aria-atomic="true" aria-live="polite">
{isDayPickerVisible && (
private renderDayCells = (
classNames: IProcessedStyleSet,
day: IDayInfo,
dayIndex: number,
weekIndex: number,
weekCorners?: IWeekCorners,
ariaHidden?: boolean
): JSX.Element => {
const { navigatedDate, dateTimeFormatter, allFocusable, strings } = this.props;
const { activeDescendantId } = this.state;
const isNavigatedDate = compareDates(navigatedDate, day.originalDate);
return (
this.props.customDayCellRef && this.props.customDayCellRef(element, day.originalDate, classNames);
this._setDayCellRef(element, day, isNavigatedDate);
onClick={day.isInBounds && !ariaHidden ? day.onSelected : undefined}
onMouseOver={!ariaHidden ? this.onMouseOverDay(day) : undefined}
onMouseDown={!ariaHidden ? this.onMouseDownDay(day) : undefined}
onMouseUp={!ariaHidden ? this.onMouseUpDay(day) : undefined}
onMouseOut={!ariaHidden ? this.onMouseOutDay(day) : undefined}
public render(): JSX.Element {
const showLabel = !!this.props.labelText;
const showHeader = !!this.props.headerText;
const textContent = this.props.textContent;
const classNames = css('assessment-instance-label', this.props.customClassName);
return (
{showLabel ? (
<div style="{{">
) : null}
{showHeader ? <strong>{this.props.headerText} </strong> : null}
export const SimpleCardRow = NamedFC('SimpleCardRow', ({ label: givenLabel, content, rowKey, contentClassName }) => {
const contentStyling = css(styles.instanceListRowContent, contentClassName);
return (
} = props;
const containerProps = { role: 'heading', 'aria-level': headingLevel };
let contentWrapper = null;
let collapsedCSSClassName = 'collapsed';
const showContent = isExpanded || false;
if (showContent) {
contentWrapper = <div>{content}</div>;
collapsedCSSClassName = null;
const onClick = (event: React.MouseEvent) => deps.cardSelectionMessageCreator.toggleRuleExpandCollapse(id, event);
return (
<div data-automation-id="{containerAutomationId}">
return (
} else {
const buttonProps: React.HTMLAttributes =
getNativeProps(this.props, buttonProperties);
return (
private _onRenderChildren(): JSX.Element {
const {
onRenderIcon = this._onRenderIcon,
onRenderText = this._onRenderText,
onRenderChevron = this._onRenderChevron
} = this.props;
return (
{ onRenderIcon(this.props, this._onRenderIcon) }
{ onRenderText(this.props, this._onRenderText) }
{ children }
{ onRenderChevron(this.props, this._onRenderChevron) }