How to use the @js-joda/core.ChronoField.YEAR function in @js-joda/core

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github js-joda / js-joda / packages / locale / src / temporal / WeekFields.js View on Github external
} from '@js-joda/core';
import cldrData from 'cldr-data';
import Cldr from 'cldrjs';

const { MathUtil, assert: { requireNonNull, requireInstance } } = jodaInternal;

const DAY_OF_WEEK_RANGE = ValueRange.of(1, 7);
const WEEK_OF_MONTH_RANGE = ValueRange.of(0, 1, 4, 6);
const WEEK_OF_YEAR_RANGE = ValueRange.of(0, 1, 52, 54);
const WEEK_OF_WEEK_BASED_YEAR_RANGE = ValueRange.of(1, 52, 53);
const WEEK_BASED_YEAR_RANGE = ChronoField.YEAR.range();

/* map from the string from cldr `firstDay()` to DayOfWeek */
const _weekDayMap = {
    'mon': DayOfWeek.MONDAY,
    'tue': DayOfWeek.TUESDAY,
    'wed': DayOfWeek.WEDNESDAY,
    'thu': DayOfWeek.THURSDAY,
    'fri': DayOfWeek.FRIDAY,
    'sat': DayOfWeek.SATURDAY,
    'sun': DayOfWeek.SUNDAY,

 * Field type that computes DayOfWeek, WeekOfMonth, and WeekOfYear
 * based on a WeekFields.
 * A separate Field instance is required for each different WeekFields;
github js-joda / js-joda / packages / locale / src / temporal / WeekFields.js View on Github external
rangeRefinedBy(temporal) {
        if (this._rangeUnit === ChronoUnit.WEEKS) {
            return this._range;

        let field = null;
        if (this._rangeUnit === ChronoUnit.MONTHS) {
            field = ChronoField.DAY_OF_MONTH;
        } else if (this._rangeUnit === ChronoUnit.YEARS) {
            field = ChronoField.DAY_OF_YEAR;
        } else if (this._rangeUnit === IsoFields.WEEK_BASED_YEARS) {
            return this._rangeWOWBY(temporal);
        } else if (this._rangeUnit === ChronoUnit.FOREVER) {
            return temporal.range(ChronoField.YEAR);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalStateException('unreachable');

        // Offset the ISO DOW by the start of this week
        const sow = this._weekDef.firstDayOfWeek().value();
        const isoDow = temporal.get(ChronoField.DAY_OF_WEEK);
        const dow = MathUtil.floorMod(isoDow - sow, 7) + 1;

        const offset = this._startOfWeekOffset(temporal.get(field), dow);
        const fieldRange = temporal.range(field);
        return ValueRange.of(ComputedDayOfField._computeWeek(offset, fieldRange.minimum()),
            ComputedDayOfField._computeWeek(offset, fieldRange.maximum()));